Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Energy” category

Showing results 271 - 275 of 360 for the category: Energy.

7 Sep 2006

Radio 4 Addresses Peak Oil.

oilBBC Radio 4 has just begun what looks like it will be an excellent series, **Driven by Oil**, which explores peak oil, what it means and when it might be. The first one was called “When Will The Tap Run Dry?”, and in it, presenter Tom Mangold explored the biggest debate facing the oil industry today – will we run out of oil, and if so, when? It featured many names familiar to **Transition Culture** readers, including Kjell Alekett, Matt Simmons, and Dr Ali Samsam Bakhtiari, as well as some new ones, some from within the oil industry.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Radio 4 Addresses Peak Oil.

Categories: Economics, Education for Sustainability, Energy, Peak Oil, Politics

5 Sep 2006

Don’t Miss … The Official Unleashing of Transition Town Totnes…

**The First Town in The UK to Plan for Energy Descent … Transition Town Totnes is Launched!**
Civic Hall, Totnes.
Wednesday 6th September. 8pm. Free.

An evening launch for the Energy Descent Planning process for Totnes, with Rob Hopkins of **Transition Culture** and Dr. Chris Johnstone, author of Find Your Power, whose work specialises in addictions and ecopsychology, as well as publishing the Great Turning Times, a regular newsletter on the psychology of change and responses to environmental problems.

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4 Sep 2006

Why the Survivalists Have Got It Wrong.

itsI have very little time for the survivalist response to peak oil, and on the back of a new article about it, Preparing for a Crash: Nuts and Bolts by Zachary Nowak, posted recently on the ever indispensible Energy Bulletin, perhaps it is time to deconstruct the whole survivalist argument, which is still a strong theme in the peak oil movement.

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1 Sep 2006

Transition Town Totnes flyer available.

ttt coverThe flyer for Transition Town Totnes is now done, is at the printers, and will be ready tomorrow. I thought those of you outside of the ‘pop into Totnes and pick one up’ radius would like to see it. It was done by the very creative, professional and patient Simon Blackler of Idealic in Ivybridge. Idealic is a South West Devon design agency specialising in corporate identity, concerned about the affects of climate change, wanting to work with companies who wish to work more sustainably, who I recommend wholeheartedly. You can download it here. Do feel free to print out and distribute or circulate in whatever way seems appropriate.

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31 Aug 2006

“Life After Oil” course at Schumacher College – updated and reposted.

**Life After Oil: Breaking the Habit. A Residential Course at Schumacher College, Devon, UK. November 12-24, 2006**
**Teachers:** David Fleming, Ron Oxburgh, Michael Meacher, Richard Heinberg & Rob Hopkins.

oil*I am reposting the information about this upcoming course because I thought that you might be interested to know that I’ve been asked to do a bit of teaching on it. I’ll be teaching a day on Energy Descent Planning at the beginning of the second week. For those who wrote in suggesting the H2 tour could become the H3 tour were I to head down to Australia too, this is an opportunity to see a different H2 combination!*

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Discussion: Comments Off on “Life After Oil” course at Schumacher College – updated and reposted.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil