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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Energy” category

Showing results 261 - 265 of 360 for the category: Energy.

16 Oct 2006

Another Successful Transition Town Totnes Open Space Event.

tttOn Saturday we hosted our second Open Space Day in Totnes, this time focusing on energy. Although the attendance was smaller, it was as, if not more, focused than the last one on food. Interestingly, although we started with less people, we ended the day with more people than before. We’re still trying to figure that one out. It generated a huge amount of ideas and information, which we posted online as the event unfolded, as well as photos of the event. With the Transition Town Totnes website being a Wiki site, you can add your ideas to those generated at the meeting. The final Open Space event of 2006 will be on Saturday 4th November and will look at building and housing.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Energy, Peak Oil

14 Oct 2006

Follow Transition Town Totnes’ Second Open Space Day (on Energy) Live!

Following the success of last weekend’s Open Space day on food, and our successful piloting of posting the event live online as it unfolded, we are doing the same today (Saturday 14th October) between 10am and 4pm GMT. The ideas generated and the thoughts that emerge will, along with photos of the event, be posted in real time on the Transition Town Totnes website. You will be able to send in your thoughts and comments, which will be made available to the participants. See you there.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Energy

11 Oct 2006

A New Peak Oil Film – Oil, Smoke and Mirrors.

osm1I just watched a new film produced by Ronan Doyle called Oil, Smoke and Mirrors, which you can watch online. While not a classic addition to the peak oil cinema, it is a well-made and thought provoking exploration of the links between peak oil and the events of 9/11. I found it especially intriguing to see Richard Heinberg being more outspoken on the 911 question than I have ever seen before.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil, Politics

5 Oct 2006

An Enticing Taste of Albert Bates

albert bI was fortunate enough the other day to get my eager sweaty paws on the nearly finished draft of Albert Bates’ forthcoming masterpiece, The Post-Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook – Recipes for Changing Times. It is really the book you’ve been waiting for, a practical, optimistic guide to life beyond the peak. It is due to hit the shelves in early October, and it is really worth waiting for. It will be reviewed at **Transition Culture** nearer the time (once I’ve finished George Monbiot’s new book). In the meantime as a taster, you might enjoy a great interview with Albert Bates that was broadcast on Nashville’s Liberadio. In it he gives a very good introduction to peak oil for beginners, what he calls ‘Peak Oil lite’. Hopefully it will leave you eager to get your hands on the book when it emerges.

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Categories: Energy, Gaia Theory, Peak Oil

27 Sep 2006

Three Great Articles by Other People #3. The Oil Drum on the Gulf of Mexico ‘Discoveries’.

gom Over the last few weeks the newspapers have been full of stories about the supposed huge find of new oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico, “between 3 and 15 billion barrels” (that’s quite a range…), most of them informing us that peak oil is now officially nonsense, and that we can all roll over and go back to sleep. The story is taken to show that there are still vast untapped reserves out there, that the peak oil ‘doomsters’ are wrong, and look, here in the Gulf of Mexico is the proof of that.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil, Technology