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Archive for “Energy” category
Showing results 256 - 260 of 360 for the category: Energy.
27 Oct 2006
The winners of the **Energy- Use Less Save More** competition were Donna Jones, Richard Irvine, Ben Boyd, Nicholas Harvey and John Boshier, who all correctly observed that a laptop computer uses less energy than a desktop computer, in fact 75 watts per hour as opposed to 15o watts per house for the desktop. “Energy” is available from Green Books. Thanks to everyone who entered. We are awash with silly limericks here, but don’t forget, you **still have 4 days** to enter our limerick competition and win a prize worth £1,200! Get writing…
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25 Oct 2006
Thanks to Ben Boyd for pointing out a very nice short piece by Hana Loftus about the Kinsale Energy Descent Plan at It is very enthusiastic about the whole thing, concluding *”I wrote a while back about the big-picture thinking of Mayer Hillman and how we need to radically contract our energy use. Here’s how to do it in practice”*. Thanks for that Ben (and Hana!).
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25 Oct 2006
I am delighted to be able to finally make available copies of the dissertation I have been working on over the last 7 months, which is called **’Energy Descent Pathways: Evaluating potential responses to Peak Oil‘**. It is, I think, quite a ground-breaking piece of work, looking at peak oil but also beyond it, which Richard Heinberg has described it as *”an extremely valuable resource for community leaders and other policy makers, all of whom must make the energy transition their first priority in the years ahead”*.
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23 Oct 2006
**A Review of “Energy: Use Less, Save More” by Jon Clift & Amanda Cuthbert. Green Books, Totnes, Devon.**
This excellent little book’s eighty-four pages offer 100 tips for saving energy around the home. Highly readable, it covers all aspects of energy use in our lives, cooking, heating, keeping things cool, washing the dishes and so on. Its tips are all practical measures that you can go and do as soon as you have finished reading. It is designed to have a mainstream appeal, and its solutions appeal to that market. For example, the section on keeping things cool is full of excellent tips on making the most of your fridge/freezer, but it nowhere suggests that
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20 Oct 2006
I just spent a very enjoyable couple of days on the island of Jersey, at the invitation of the Jersey National Trust, Jersey Slow Food and the Jersey Organic Association, taking the message of energy descent and powerdown to the island. Jersey is home to about 90,000 people on a beautiful island near the French coast. My trip was organised by Alasdair Crosby, a reporter from the Jersey Evening Post and founder of Jersey Slow Food.
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