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Archive for “Energy” category
Showing results 251 - 255 of 360 for the category: Energy.
8 Nov 2006
**The Oil Depletion Protocol – a plan to avert oil wars, terrorism and economic collapse by Richard Heinberg. (2006) Clairview Books.**
**See Below for a Chance to Win a Copy!**
**Richard Heinberg** is the author of The Party’s Over, many peoples’ first introduction to the subject of peak oil. It was the first book to explain the concept in a clear and accessible way for people with no background in petroleum geology (myself included). However, while many writers are still chewing over whether or not peak oil is a reality, and haggling over the exact date when it might occur (2006? 2010? 2030?), Heinberg is moving on, exploring its implications and what can be done to prepare for this historic transition.
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7 Nov 2006
**What Will Happen When The Oil is Gone? by Alasdair Crosby. Printed in the Jersey Evening Post on Friday November 3rd.**
While I was in Jersey recently, I did an interview for the **Jersey Evening Post**, which appeared in the paper last Friday. Here it is, with thanks for permission to reproduce it here.
“In almost every part of our daily lives we rely on the ready supply of oil, but it is running out as a cheap form of energy. Environmentalist Rob Hopkins, who was in the Island recently, spoke to Alasdair Crosby about what life will be like when the barrels run dry.
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1 Nov 2006
**Powerdown and Permaculture – At the Cusp of Transition.
An Article by Rob Hopkins.**
Here is an article about permaculture and energy descent work that I wrote which appears in the latest issue of Permaculture Magazine which is released today, a milestone for the magazine, its 50th issue. Many congratulations to Tim, Maddy and their team for making it this far and for providing us with such a wonderful magazine over the years. You can either read the article below or see the pdf of it as it appears in the magazine (here).
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30 Oct 2006
**“Less is a Four Letter Word
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27 Oct 2006
Just thought you might like to see this, a rather nice write up of last weekend’s Open Space Day on Energy, together with a picture of Totnes Open Spacers having fun…. taken with thanks from this week’s Totnes Times. Just to show we’re not making all this up!
We had a great evening with **Bob Flowerdew** in Totnes Civic Hall last night, over 200 people. He was very entertaining and a real showman. I also did an interview with him over a pizza beforehand which I’ll post here as soon as I get it typed up. Next week sees the launch of our building events, I’ll post more about them on Monday.
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