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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Energy” category

Showing results 236 - 240 of 360 for the category: Energy.

12 Jan 2007

10 First Steps for a Transition Town Initiative #3. The Official Unleashing.

unleashingDespite one overexcitable **Transition Culture** reader writing that *”‘Organising the great unleashing’ …has the added bonus of sounding totally filthy”*, it is, perhaps disappointingly, nothing of the sort. We use the term ‘Unleashing’ because that is the sense that this event should embody. Through the first 2 stages, ideally you now have a groundswell of people fired up about peak oil and climate change and eager to start **doing something**. The aim of this event is to generate a momentum which will propel your initiative forward for the next period of its work.

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9 Jan 2007

Fuelling a Food Crisis – new report on Peak Oil and food from Caroline Lucas.

lucasGreen MEP Caroline Lucas has just released a new report, **’Fuelling a Food Crisis – The Impact of Peak Oil on Food Security’**, which is a devastating critique of the UK food system. Co-authored by Andy Jones and Colin Hines, the report exposes the perilous situation in which the UK finds itself. In essence it is an update of Andy Jones’ highly prescient 2001 report ‘Eating Oil’. It is available to download freely at Caroline’s website, and I recommend it highly, it is, for me, more useful and impactful than Dale Allen Pfeiffer’s ‘Eating Fossil Fuels’ which I just finished and wasn’t that impressed by.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Energy, Food, Peak Oil

20 Dec 2006

Applying Energy Descent Plans to Food and Farming – an article in Living Earth magazine.

samag1The Soil Association is the UK’s organic certification body, and they are making peak oil and the relocalisation of food the focal point of their 60th Anniversary conference in Cardiff in February. I am editing a report that will accompany the conference, which explores this deeper, and to introduce this, I recently wrote an article that appears in Living Earth Magazine, the organisation’s publication. It suggests that the concept of Energy Descent Plans could be applied to food and farming in the UK, an idea that will be explored in more depth in the report. Here is the article followed by some additions from within the Soil Association.

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19 Dec 2006

Two Reviews of ‘Heat – How to Stop The Planet Burning’ by George Monbiot #1. by Robert Morgan.

heatGeorge Monbiot’s book ‘Heat’ has the feel of a landmark book to me. It is one of those books that people will look back to as somehow defining a particular moment in history, as a real line drawn in the sand. Here at **Transition Culture**, what with it being Christmas and everything, you don’t just get one review but two. We did contact the publishers to see if they would give us a couple of copies to give away in a competition, but they never got back to us. Humph. Oh well. Tomorrow you will get my review, but for today, here is Robert Morgan of Green College’s excellent review.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Peak Oil, Transport

18 Dec 2006

“Happy Relocalisers”, Doomers, Wheelwrights and the concept of Resilience.

cw1Mulling over Zachary Nowak’s recent piece, Homeowner’s Insurance and Fire Extinguishers, it struck me that a key concept in the whole debate about whether one might prioritise individual survival over communal survival, or vice versa, may well be one found in the study of ecology, that of **resilience**. It is a concept I have been exploring a great deal over a lot over the last few weeks, and I have found it a useful way of looking at this whole question.

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Energy, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil