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Archive for “Energy” category
Showing results 191 - 195 of 360 for the category: Energy.
15 Feb 2008
Last night’s **The One Show** on BBC One included a great piece about Transition Town Totnes, which you can watch online for the next 6 days which concluded with the surreal site of Westlife passing Totnes Pounds around and chatting about them! Its not everyday that one sees that kind of thing… . The piece itself crammed a lot into a short time, giving a concise overview of what TTT is all about, and how it is working. I just spent half an hour trying to do screen grabs of images from the piece, but the programme I have they just all go black. Anyone able to do screen grabs for us of Westlife with Totnes Pounds?! (**Update** Thanks to Mark Donaldson who just sent in the pic below..)
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7 Feb 2008
**Sonya Wallace** in Sunshine Coast in Australia (Australia’s first Transition Town) just sent me a link to an interview that she did on Wonderful World Media Network which explores the relocalisation process happening there, and how their Energy Descent Plan process is going. The quality of the recording isn’t that great, indeed it does sound rather like listening into the Apollo landings at a time when the conversation moved away from booster rockets to peak oil and local currencies, but it is well worth a listen. Great to hear what people are up to there.
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1 Feb 2008
I wrote recently about the event in Wadebridge I spoke at with Anthony Gibson of the National Farmers Union which explored, among other things, biofuels, organics and localisation. In the interests of balance and on throwing more light onto the different perspectives that were aired that night, and offering a different perspective, here is Mr. Gibson’s regular column in the Western Morning News.
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31 Jan 2008
The last couple of weeks have rather felt like a whirlwind of talks here there and everywhere, travelling late on trains and being up far too late. People often ask about films of talks and where they are available, so here is a recent talk I did that has just been posted online. A few months ago I spoke at **Cornwall’s future – land use, resource depletion & changing climate**, a conference at Duchy College in Cornwall organised by Transition Penwith and Environment Kernow, who are part of the Cornish Strategic Partnership and who bring together a group of various organisations with an interest in sustainability in Cornwall.
The event, which I wrote about here before, was excellent, featuring Dr. Colin Campbell, David Strahan, Patrick Holden and myself. Those good people at Environment Kernow filmed the talks and have just posted them on YouTube. Here is the first part of the talk I gave, which looked at applying the Transition approach to food and farming.
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25 Jan 2008
Travelling on the London Underground yesterday I was alarmed at a sign posted on the window by British Transport Police (see left). The sign invited passengers, in the event of seeing a train being vandalised, to call a particular phone number. Seemed reasonable enough. What was puzzling though was the use, on a sign designed to reduce vandalism on Underground trains, of a picture of a helicopter. It left me puzzled and somewhat alarmed at how British Transport Police might be planning to reduce such crime in this era of dwindling energy resources and the need to urgently cut carbon emissions.
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