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Archive for “Energy” category
Showing results 181 - 185 of 360 for the category: Energy.
2 May 2008
Natural born survivors. The Guardian. Friday 2nd May. Original here.
Rising oil prices, global food shortages and the economic crisis are proof for many survivalists that society is on the brink of meltdown. But are their predictions all gloom and doom – or a chance to create new communities? Harriet Green reports.
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2 May 2008
A while ago I wrote about Richard Heinberg’s main presentation at the Findhorn Positive Energy course, which introduced his idea of Resilient Communities Action Plans. His talk has just been posted ontoYouTube and you can see it below;
Part Two ¦ Part Three ¦ Part Four ¦ Part Five ¦ Part Six
You can also see my introduction to Richard’s talk here.
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1 May 2008
TheTransition storyline in the Archers continues to evolve, leading many out there in Archersland to ask “what is a Transition Village anyway?” The Archers website this week offers a very useful and concise overview of what a Transition Initiative is, and it is quite a thorough overview.
This week, Pat is visiting Stroud in Gloucestershire to research her idea that Ambridge should become a “transition community”. But what would this process involve, and why?
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28 Apr 2008
Our personal lives can sometimes imitate what is happening in the wider world to an alarming extent. On Friday morning I sat down at my computer to write you a very amusing piece about olive oil (which you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for…), only to find that my computer had seized up, and refused to start. The Microsoft Windows Screen of Death (left) loomed large. I dashed to my local computer repair man, whose first question, on noting the symptoms, was “have you got everything backed up?” Ah. Hum.
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21 Apr 2008
The Isles of Scilly recently became the third Transition Islands, after the Isle of Man and the Isle of Wight. I visited for a couple of days over the recent school holidays at their invitation, to give a couple of talks and to also have a few days there. It is interesting to see the challenges that islands face in preparing for Transition, and the particular challenges and opportunities they throw up.
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