Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Energy” category

Showing results 161 - 165 of 360 for the category: Energy.

10 Jul 2008

An Update on Transition Tales, Powerdown Training in School

Presenters filmingI have mentioned Transition Tales here previously, it is the work that Transition Town Totnes has been doing in our local secondary school, working with Year 7 students raising awareness about energy issues and doing visioning work about how a post-oil world might be. Over the last couple of months the Transition Tales team has done the Transition Tales work with all of Year 7, and in the following article, project co-ordinator Hannah Mulder gives an overview of the project.

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3 Jul 2008

The Art of Wishful Thinking or Why The World Cup Finals Won’t Get Us Out of This

Yesterday morning, while chivvying my kids along to eat their breakfast and clean their teeth (not simultaneously), I had one ear on a piece on Radio 4’s Today programme about the economy and recession, prompted by Marks and Spencer’s dismal drop in share price, and its CEO talking of “stormy times ahead” for the UK economy. One of the guests was Sir Martin Sorrell (right), a businessman, who attempted to offer an upbeat picture of the future for the UK economy that left me scratching my head.

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1 Jul 2008

Finding More Pointless Ways to Use Energy…

Sometimes I pass things so ridiculous I have to go back again for a second look. The other day I was near Paignton, and I passed a zebra crossing and its attendant Belisha beacons (see right). Interesting fact for the day (or quite possibly not), Belisha beacons are named after Leslie Hore-Belisha (1895-1957), the Minister of Transport who introduced them in the 1930s. The idea of Belisha beacons is straightforward, a black and white stripey pole with a yellow flashing globe on top which shows people where to cross the road. The yellow flashing light has long been considered adequate in attracting attention and which in turn insinuates where the stripey pole is to be found (if anyone should be interested). This Belisha beacon near Paignton had come up with an ingenious, energy-wasting way of solving a problem that I never knew existed, lighting the pole up from within!

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Discussion: 13 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, General, Technology

24 Jun 2008

The Western Morning News Looks on the Bright Side of the Oil Crisis

Here is an article from one of our local newspapers published last Friday, which takes a Transition-tinged look at the current oil crisis.

Why Oil Crisis Could be Trigger for a Better Future. Western Morning News. 20th June 2008

Crude oil prices trading at a record 140 a barrel. Truck driver strikes leading to panic buying at petrol stations across the country. Saudi Arabia promising to pump more oil after desperate calls from world leaders. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the global economy’s third oil price shock.

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19 Jun 2008

What is the Payback on Your New Solar Panels, and Should You Care?

Here’s just a quick and not really fully-formed thought for a Thursday morning. I have finally, as part of the Transition Town Totnes Solar Hot Water Challenge‘, signed up to get solar panels put on our roof. Took a while, but I am going for flat bed panels rather than evacuated tubes (to see why read this). The plan is to get them up while there is still some summer sun to take advantage of. The question I find myself asked though when I tell people about it is “but what is the payback on them?” Now I have to say honestly that I have no idea, I haven’t sat down and worked it out, but what intrigues me is that nature of that question.

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Discussion: 22 Comments

Categories: Energy, Food, Resilience