Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Energy” category

Showing results 86 - 90 of 360 for the category: Energy.

12 Mar 2011

Richard Heinberg interviewed in Totnes: “I think 2011 is going to be an interesting year… in the Chinese sense…” Part One

On Richard Heinberg’s recent visit to Totnes, which included a talk on ‘The End of Growth‘, myself, Ben Brangwyn of Transition Network (BB) and Frances Northrop of Transition Town Totnes (FN) did an interview with Richard.  Part 2 will appear here tomorrow….

Welcome to Totnes, lovely to have you here again!  The first question is: your new book is about economics and the book before was looking at coal….but in terms of the peak oil question that underpinned your previous books, what’s your assessment of where we are now?  Is it still as much a part of your overall analysis as it was….?

Oh yes, very much so.  The new book, The End of Growth makes the case that world economic growth is effectively at an end, both for reasons internal to the world financial monetary system and also for reasons external to the world financial monetary system and the primary factor outside the monetary system is oil. 

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11 Mar 2011

Somerset Transition reversal raises questions over localism agenda

You win some, you lose some.  In July 2008, Somerset County Council, then a Liberal Democrat-controlled council, passed a resolution supporting its local Transition initiatives.  It was much lauded as a visionary piece of policy-making, a council noting the vibrant activity of Transition groups within the county and deciding to honour that and to begin seriously to explore with them the potential overlaps and interfaces between those two ‘tiers’ in the community.  However, it has become clear that what started so boldly and with such great promise has since fallen away.  In the spirit of learning from such reversals, this piece explores what we can learn from recent developments in Somerset, and also what we might draw from them in relation to the government’s current ‘localism’ agenda.

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24 Jan 2011

Tradeable Energy Quotas launched in the House of Commons

Last week saw the Parlimentary launch of Tradeable Energy Quotas (TEQs), the brilliantly simple carbon rationing approach developed by the late Dr. David Fleming with the support of ‘Transition Timeline’ author Shaun Chamberlin.  The excellent new report (which you can download here) was launched at an event featuring Caroline Lucas MP, John Hemming MP, Jeremy Leggett and Shaun.  Each gave a presentation, you can see Shaun’s very clear overview of what TEQ’s is and how it works below…

[Part Two]

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2 Dec 2010

Flashback to 2008: an interview with Dr. David Fleming

In June 2008, David Fleming was in Totnes to teach on the ‘Life After Oil’ course at Schumacher College, along with Richard Heinberg, myself and others.  One afternoon, David and I slipped away so I could interview him for this website.  In memory of his passing away this week, I am reprinting it here.  We discussed peak oil and Tradable Energy Quotas, among other things.  It was a joy.

How do you see the unfolding events of the past few weeks? (ie. the runaway price and it starting to make the price of petrol/diesel rise, with the impacts being felt acutely by those on lower incomes and in rural areas)?

Well, this is the beginning of the breakdown of the energy market. High prices are a sign that some people are having to forgo some or all of the oil which they would have expected to buy. In some cases, those purchases are absolutely essential to their livelihoods, and if they are priced out of the market in the oil auction, they will not be able to do really fundamental things like buying the kerosene they need to power their irrigation pumps. So far, most of those who have been affected to this extent are the poor – third world farmers, for instance. But it is coming our way.

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23 Nov 2010

New Report: ‘So what does Transition Town Totnes actually do?’

Transition Town Totnes has been running now for just over 4 years, and recently a group of us sat down to try and capture what has actually been achieved by the process.  It has been a very illuminating process, one that is very useful to do in terms of being able to get a sense of what has actually been achieved on the ground (I highly recommend it).  The name of the report, ‘So, what does Transition Town Totnes actually do?‘, comes from the question often asked by visitors to the town who come to see a Transition town, wander round the High Street and wonder why there are still cars and not windmills everywhere.   This report is designed to explain all that is going on below the surface (as well as on top of it…).

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