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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 361 - 365 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

12 Jul 2006

Stephan Harding on Peak Oil.

stephan**An Interview with Stephan Harding – Schumacher College 14th June 2006.**

**Stephan Harding** is the co-ordinator of the MSc in Holistic Science and staff ecologist at Schumacher College. He has lived and worked at Schumacher College since it began in 1991. He teaches Gaia theory, Holistic Science and Deep Ecology on the College’s short course programme and goes into these subjects in greater detail on Schumacher’s one year MSc Programme in Holistic Science. He is the author of ‘Animate Earth – science, intuition and Gaia’. Here he answers the 8 ‘Skilling Up For Powerdown’ questions that you’ll have already seen others answer here at **Transition Culture**.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Stephan Harding on Peak Oil.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Gaia Theory, Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

7 Jul 2006

Life After Oil Course – Schumacher College.

**Life After Oil: Breaking the Habit. A Residential Course at Schumacher College, Devon, UK. November 12-24, 2006**
**Teachers:** David Fleming, Ron Oxburgh, Michael Meacher, Richard Heinberg.

oilI’d like to recommend a rather exciting course which is taking place on my doorstep in November, bringing a number of great speakers to Totnes. If you have never before done a course at Schumacher College, there could be few better places to start than this course. The press release for the course reads, “this unique two-week course brings together leading thinkers in the field to address Peak Oil issues from a variety of perspectives and backgrounds.

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6 Jul 2006

What Can We Learn from Jamie’s School Dinners? – 10 Insights for Energy Descent.

jamieI’m sure you all saw this when it came out, but not having a TV I only just saw it on the newly released DVD. For those of you who haven’t heard of it, Jamie Oliver is a TV chef who undertook to try and change school dinners in the UK. The programme and the campaign that arose from it have had a huge effect on school meals in the UK, and, it could be argued, did more to put one issue on the public agenda than any single campaign run by an environmental group over the last 50 years. So, what can we learn from Jamie’s School Dinners that can help with energy descent planning projects?

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29 Jun 2006

Meg Wheatley – The Power of Chaos – reconstructed from my cack-handed notes…

meg**Meg Wheatley** spoke at Dartington’s Barn Cinema on Wednesday 14th June as part of Dartington Arts’ Arts and Ecology Lecture series. I attempted to take notes as best I could but she spoke quite fast and so these notes are intended to provide just an overview of what she covered. Any mistakes here are entirely my fault. If you would like to watch the film of the talk you can download it

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16 Jun 2006

5 Great Things About the Eden Project #4. Education.

ed4It is one thing to build the Biomes, the structures, the plantings and so on, but once you have got the people there how do you maximise the opportunity to raise their awareness on environmental issues without being too in your face, too preachy or too judgemental? I was really impressed by how the Eden Project does this. Most of the environmental information that you get as you go around comes in under the radar. The messages are subtle but thought provoking. Its power was, I felt in its gentleness.

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Discussion: Comments Off on 5 Great Things About the Eden Project #4. Education.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Peak Oil, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent