Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 356 - 360 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

24 Aug 2006

ASPO 5. Jeremy Leggett Intertwines Peak Oil and Climate Change.

**Jeremy Leggett. Peak Oil, climate change, and the daunting arithmetic of carbon fuels.**

leggett*By the time Jeremy Leggett stepped up to the podium, I was starting to wonder whether I was the only person in the conference who had ever heard of climate change. We had heard Hirsch telling us with a straight face that we should dig up all the tar sands and turn all the coal into petrol, and Bauquis arguing that we needed 3,000 new nuclear power plants. I am used to people arguing for climate change solutions with no peak oil awareness but rarely the other way round.*

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23 Aug 2006

Permaculture Modules – free to download.

kins1The **Practical Sustainability** course in Kinsale broke (and continues to break) new ground in many ways. As well as being the world’s first two year full time permaculture course, one of its most fundamental breakthroughs was that new modules were added to the Vocational Education Committee’s (VEC) list of approved courses which can now be taught in any Irish VEC college. When I wrote the modules, no-one in the VEC had ever heard of permaculture, but as the course became more and more successful, they began to recognise the contribution it was making. A number of people have asked me where they can get hold of the modules that I wrote and taught, so I have made them available here on **Transition Culture**.

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18 Aug 2006

The Dream Double Bill.

hhIf I were able to design my dream double act to appear at a venue near me, it would have to be David Holmgren and Richard Heinberg, the two best thinkers around on the whole area of peak oil and what we can do about it. Richard is one of the best speakers on peak oil around, he addresses the subject with such compassion and insight, and is a great orator, that any opportunity to hear him is always very illuminating. David Holmgren, co-founder of permaculture, is an amazing thinker on energy and sustainability,

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14 Aug 2006

Launching … Transition Town Totnes!

**Transition Town Totnes – Programme September – December 2006.**

tttWe are delighted to announce the programme of events for the first 4 months of the Transition Town Totnes initiative. The project will develop, over the next 12 – 18 months, an Energy Descent Action Plan for Totnes, designing a positive way down from the oil peak, building on the work begun in Kinsale. It will strive to be inclusive, imaginative, practical and fun. We have put together a programme which combines inspirational speakers, many of whom will be visiting Totnes for the first time, film screenings, Open Space think tank days and much more.

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12 Jul 2006

Cob Building Masterclass in West Cork – don’t miss it…

hshMy name is Rob and I’m addicted to cob building. My passion for cob is barely disguised, and has been a powerful force in my life in recent years. Once I got the bug I was hooked. The feeling of monolithic curved cob walls is something that no other material can provide, and it is such a gorgeous material to work with. To begin with I taught myself from books, from tips on websites, and by asking anyone I knew who had ever worked with it. Although I read many books in subsequent years, and worked with many cobbers, still the one who most fired my imagination with cob’s possibilities, and the life changing potential of natural building, is Ianto Evans of Cob Cottage Company,

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