Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 31 - 35 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

10 Sep 2012

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall visits Totnes and lends his support to Atmos Totnes

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall was in Totnes last week to throw his weight behind Atmos Totnes and to visit other Transition Town Totnes initiatives.  Hugh is the fifth Patron of Atmos, joining Dr. Sarah Wollaston MP, Jonathan Dimbleby, Kevin McCloud and Tim Smit.  Atmos Totnes is working to bring the former Dairy Crest site adjoining Totnes station into community ownership to develop it as ‘the heart of a new economy’.  It is currently negotiating with Dairy Crest, the site’s owners, for an Exclusivity Agreement for the site, a process that has entered a critical stage.  

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6 Sep 2012

A July/August Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

This month’s round up covers two months, because this time last month half of the team that lovingly create these round ups was away when they should have been producing this.  As a result it’s a bit of a whopper.  The latest Transition Bristol newsletter begins In this issue…. The Bristol Pound is coming, the Bristol Pound is coming, oh, and lots of other stuff too! Read on”.  That seemed like a good way for us to start too.  The Bristol Pound, the vastly exciting imminent launch of a city-wide currency that is creating a frenzy of media interest, is nearly here.   Here is a short film about it:

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28 Aug 2012

Transition Network conference 2012 preview: No:6 – Isabel Carlisle on ‘Which future do we want?’, the Youth Symposium

Isabel Carlisle is presenting the Youth Symposium that takes place on the Friday before the main conference (an event you can also follow on Facebook), as well as a workshop on the Saturday looking at the ‘One Year in Transition’, the Transition Learning Journey.  We asked her to tell us a bit more about both:

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Categories: Community Involvement, Diversity, Education for Sustainability, General, Transition Network Conference 2012

21 Aug 2012

An interview with Charles Eisenstein: “Something in your heart knows that this is what life is supposed to be about”

About 4 weeks ago, I had the honour of interviewing Charles Eisenstein, author of ‘Sacred Economics’ while he was in the UK visiting Schumacher College to teach a course there for a week.  I had to admit before we began the interview that I have yet to read his book, in spite of the number of people I know who have insisted that I really ought to.  I decided to see this as an opportunity though, given that most people who will be reading this won’t have read it either, thereby sharing my starting point of near-complete ignorance.  I think it kind of works.  He was charming and thoughtful, and you can either hear the podcast of the interview below, or read the transcript below that.

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12 Jul 2012

A new film: ‘The Green Backyard’

Here is a great new film from Peterborough about a project called ‘The Green Backyard’, which is developing a Transitioney/permaculturey/community resource/educational type thing in urban Peterborough.  Beautiful film, with talking bees and everything.  The Transition Companion makes an appearance too near the end… thanks to Daryl Mulvihill, who made it, for letting me know about it.

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