Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 336 - 340 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

13 Oct 2006

A Great Game to Wake People Up in the Middle of Your Event.

g2Here’s a nice game for you to use in your workshops or talks just at that moment when you see that the eyelips are starting to droop and you want to wake people up a bit. Divide people into groups of 6-12 and tell them to get on their hands and knees in a tight circle with their shoulders touching. Then tell them to move their hands, so that rather than having their hands in front of them, they have the person on their right’s right hand and the person on their left’s left hand in front of them (see left).

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10 Oct 2006

Life After Oil Course – Discounted and Subsidised Places Available!

oil**Please see the end of this piece for new information about bursuries of 90% of the course fee for people living in the South West of England**. In a couple of weeks a wonderful course takes place at Schumacher College here in Devon. I have written about it here before, the teachers for the course are Richard Heinberg, Michael Meacher, Ron Oxburgh, David Fleming and myself. The organisers have decided to offer locals a reduced price of £950 (which) is a £250 discount, over 20 per cent reduction.

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6 Oct 2006

A Review of Legacy by Joanne Poyourow.

legA couple of weeks ago I asked if anyone out there in **Transition Culture**-land would like to review Joanne Poyourow’s book Legacy which she very kindly sent me to review. With the pile of books next to my bed in danger of causing serious injury should it topple over during the night, I decided to delegate, and Robert Morgan of The Green College nobly took up the baton. The book attempts to tell the story of the transition from the present to a sustainable society, something I have long argued to be a powerful tool, helping people to imagine how that journey might be. Unfortunately our guest reviewer Robert Morgan was somewhat underwhelmed… here is his review.

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4 Oct 2006

Transition Town Totnes – The Story So Far by Naresh Giangrande.

tot1*My TTT colleague and fellow peak oil activist Naresh Giangrande wrote this piece as notes for a talk he gave to Totnes Friends of the Earth last night, and I felt it gave such a good overview of the project and what it is doing that I asked him if I could post it here. Naresh runs Living on the Cusp, and runs workshops around the country on preparing for peak oil.*

Transition Town Totnes began the with understanding that we are facing imminent social collapse. Not the slow but steady social collapse that FOE, Greenpeace, the Club of Rome, and others have been warning about for decades now,

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25 Sep 2006

Three Great Articles by Other People #1. Aaron Nuline on Relocalisation.

pdSometimes you read an article that just hits the nail on the head, and this is one of them. While packing his bags to head off the the Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions in Ohio, Aaron at Powering Down, a man with a passion for post-peak solutions and posting pictures of his new baby covered in mushed carrot, sat down to write a brief piece about the conference, and ended up, as is sometimes the way with blogging, turning out a wonderful piece about energy descent and relocalisation.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Peak Oil