Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 321 - 325 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

7 Dec 2006

Skilling Up For Powerdown Course Notes – online until January 1st.

posterAs I mentioned a couple of days ago, I recently finished teaching a 10 week evening class called **Skilling Up for Powerdown** in Totnes. The course will run again in January and is already nearly full. To accompany the course I prepared each week a collection of materials to accompany the course, from weblinks and books, to notes and presentations. You might be interested to have a look. At New Year I will be taking it down, so that when the course starts again it will build week-by-week again, as the course unfolds. Any of you involved in education around energy descent/powerdown stuff might find it useful. I plan in the new year to write it up in more detail, as a course facilitator’s resource guide, but for now, I hope you find this interesting.

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5 Dec 2006

The 12 Step Programme for Breaking Oil Dependency – a useful tool for powerdown groups.

gpI want to share an exercise with you that I did with my students on the **Skilling Up For Powerdown** evening course that I’ve been teaching in Totnes. I offer it in the hope that you might find it to be of use to you adapted to your own situation. It emerges from the work I have been doing exploring the connection between our collective relationship with oil and addiction, as laid out in Energy Descent Pathways. The aim of the exercise is to get people to really engage in creative thinking around the issues of how their lives rely on energy, and to think about how they might try to deal with that.

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4 Dec 2006

Is Peak Oil Pessimism a Generation of Men Coming to Realise How Useless They Are?

menIn this post I want to discuss an evolving theory I have which may illuminate some and enrage others. I have come to think that part of the reason behind the “die-off” perspective and the mind-set which thinks that Western civilisation is doomed because humanity is basically selfish and foolish, and that it is too late for humanity to do anything on the necessary scale is in fact that a generation of men are coming to realise on some level that they are almost entirely unequipped to face the challenge that peak oil creates.

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23 Nov 2006

Soil Association Conference to Focus on Peak Oil and Relocalisation.

SAI am delighted to be able to tell you about the upcoming Soil Association conference, which will be held in Cardiff from the 25th to the 27th January 2007. The theme of the conference is **One Planet Agriculture: Preparing for a post-peak oil food and farming future**, and I have been very involved in designing the list of speakers and the theme for the event. It is a seminal moment for the Soil Association, being their 60th Anniversary conference. That they have put peak oil and relocalisation centre stage is a visionary and timely move. Speakers include Colin Campbell, Richard Heinberg,

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Discussion: Comments Off on Soil Association Conference to Focus on Peak Oil and Relocalisation.

Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Energy, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

22 Nov 2006

A Walk in the Woods # Exercise 5. ‘Art Exhibition’.

f2Here is another exercise from **Earth Education** for getting people observing a woodland in a different way. String a length of washing line between different trees in the wood, wandering off through the trees. Tell the participants that they are all amazing artists, and have been invited to contribute to an exhibition in this, the most prestigious art gallery in the country.

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Discussion: Comments Off on A Walk in the Woods # Exercise 5. ‘Art Exhibition’.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, General, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent