Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 316 - 320 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

10 Jan 2007

10 First Steps for a Transition Town Initiative #1. Awareness Raising.

aw3There are a number of groups now wanting to initiate **Transition Town projects**, and their first question is usually “where do we start?” In order to answer this question and to clarify our own minds on this whole subject, we have prepared this collection of the first 10 steps as we see them. At this point we cannot offer an A – Z map for how to do a Transition Town project. But having travelled from A-C, we can at least give you some indicators as to what has been successful for us through the Totnes experience. While they don’t necessarily run in the order they will here, today’s is by necessity the first.

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8 Jan 2007

10 Books on Solutions for Energy Descent You Must Read in 2007.

booksMy name is Rob and I’m addicted to books. Yes, they lie around my house in piles several feet deep, and often loom perilously over my bed as I sleep nervously beneath. From the oceans of paper, staples and covers that surround me, every now and then a particular gem floats to the surface and does wonders inspiring new ideas and perspectives, and on occasion I like to share some of these with you in the hope that firstly you might find some similar worth in them, and also that you might write in and tell me about other gems that I have missed. I did this last New Year and it went down rather well, so here it is again.

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22 Dec 2006

…just one last thing before I go….

tttI thought you might like to see now, rather than waiting until January, the programme for Transition Town Totnes from January to March. We just finalised the design of the flyers, which are currently being printed, but you can download the pdf versions of it here. It has an inner and an outer. It is a rather packed programme, but it does have some wonderful events, and hopefully entry points for both those who are new to the whole thing and those who have been involved for a while. I hope you enjoy it. Right, now I really am stopping.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Peak Oil

13 Dec 2006

Coming Soon – Escape from Suburbia!

efsI’m sure there are very few of you out there who haven’t seen The End of Suburbia. Well, its sequel, Escape from Suburbia is on its way, you can now view the trailer over at You Tube and it does look really rather good.

efsCultivate, the Centre for Sustainable Living in Dublin just showed a special 15 minute preview and the excitement is building. Have a look at the trailer, tell your friends, and brace yourself for what promises to be the mother of all sequels (even better than Dumb and Dumberer…). Hopefully we’ll be able to show it as part of Transition Town Totnes, sooner rather than later….

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Categories: Education for Sustainability, Energy, Peak Oil

12 Dec 2006

Review – New Peak Oil Film “Crude Impact”.

ciLast week I watched the new peak oil film, **Crude Impact**, produced by Vista Clara films, which has just emerged on DVD. It describes itself as “a film about how energy use, particularly fossil fuels, has impacted the earth, mankind and other species”, and is one of a couple of new peak oil films coming out over the next few months. I had been looking forward to seeing it for some time, and I found it to be an extremely well-made film which clearly and passionately presents the argument that we are at or near the peak, which will be a transition of historic importance.

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