Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 296 - 300 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

18 Apr 2007

Telling the Story of Energy Descent.

ttThis Saturday we are holding a rather interesting event in Totnes. **The Transition Tales Scrapbook Creation Day** aims to engage the storytellers and the creative thinkers in the first stage of an initiative we call ‘Transition Tales’. Here is the blurb from the poster…

“Calling All Writers, Poets, Creative Thinkers, Dreamers, Storytellers and Wordsmiths! The Transition Tales Scrapbook Creation Day is to be held this Saturday 21st between 10am and 2pm, at the Methodist Church Hall, Totnes. Come and join us in writing articles from the future, that describe imagined future events between now and 2030.

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13 Apr 2007

A Date for the Diary. ‘Positive Energy – going carbon neutral’ – a conference at Findhorn.

fh1You might want to put the following event in your diary now, it promises to be one of the highlights of 2008. The Findhorn Foundation in Scotland has decided to do its Spring conference on community responses to peak oil and climate change, with the title **Positive Energy – going carbon neutral**. Speakers will include Joanna Macey, Richard Heinberg, Megan Quinn, Jonathan Dawson and myself. While the conference is still at the very early planning stages, here is the information such as it as at the moment.

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3 Apr 2007

Transition Town Totnes Launches Its New Programme of Events!

innerWe are delighted to confirm the next TTT programme of events that will take the initiative through until the summer. Printed in vibrant summer colours, it is an intriguing mix of practical, theoretical and philosophical, and indicates many of the new pathways opening up for the initiative. Printed copies will be available in time for the screening of ‘A Crude Awakening’ and then will be available around the town. You can download the pdf. versions of the flyer here, the inner and the outer. Hope to see you at some of these events. The programme in full is;

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2 Apr 2007

Don’t Miss … The South West Premiere of “Crude Awakening”.

cp**Crude Awakening – the Oil Crash** is to peak oil what “An Inconvenient Truth” was to climate change. A cinema quality, feature film length movie that communicates the whole message. Transition Town Totnes is delighted to be able to present the South West premiere of the film on Thursday evening at The Barn Cinema, Dartington at 8pm. There are still some tickets left, and the film will be followed by a panel discussion which I will be chairing. You can read my review of the film here. See you there!

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29 Mar 2007

Learn Cob Building (and much more) in Beautiful West Cork.

holliesThe Hollies Centre for Practical Sustainability in West Cork is running a very full set of courses, with a wider range of subjects than in previous years, and featuring, as is becoming a regular part of their calendar, the 9 Day Cob Building course with Ianto Evans and Linda Smiley. If you are interested in learning cob building, you couldn’t do better than to spend 9 days with Linda and Ianto, it is the course that has changed many lives! The Hollies is a beautiful place, and being there is an opportunity to see Thomas and Ulrike’s stunning cob house, the pizza house, the stoves, the gardens, the tree plantings, as well as learning in beautiful place. Although as one of its founder members I would say that, I really can’t recommend the learning experiences that The Hollies continues to offer highly enough, and it is wonderful to see that their education efforts are not only continuing but expanding. The full programme of events is as follows;

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