Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 291 - 295 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

21 May 2007

Transition Tales – Introducing Peak Oil into Schools # Session 3.

k2On the final day of the three day pilot **Transition Tales** programme we did at King Edward VI Community College in Totnes (I wasn’t at the first one, I’ll ask someone else to write that one up) we turned to storytelling. The day was facilitated by Chris Salisbury of Wildwise, a well known and highly gifted local storyteller. He began by introducing the art of storytelling and where it came from, how we are all storytellers, and how our culture has always been built on the telling of stories. This led into a series of exercises that were designed to free up the students’ creative expression and imagination.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition Tales – Introducing Peak Oil into Schools # Session 3.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Peak Oil

18 May 2007

Transition Tales – Introducing Peak Oil into Schools # Session 2.

**Peak Oil Session – Transition Tales.**

computerTransition Town Totnes’s **Transition Tales** project just did its first workshop with the local secondary school, year 9 students (13-14), which went well. It is part of a 3 session pilot we are doing, this being the middle session about peak oil and the degree of our oil dependency. We began by producing a large bag which contained all kinds of household objects, trainer shoes, hair gel, inner tubes, spoons, and so on, and asked them what all these things have in common. They didn’t get it, the answer being, of course, that they are all made of oil. I then asked them what is the hardest work they have ever done in a single day. Answers ranged from “last Friday, we had English”, to “well, my Mum made me wash up last week”.

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14 May 2007

YouTube for Transition Towns course – Totnes films go live on YouTube!

ytcA couple of weeks ago in Totnes, as part of the Great Reskilling programme, we held a workshop with Keith Ellis from Transition Town Lewes called **A Hands-on Introduction to YouTube Video Activism**, which aimed to teach people how to make short films just using a digital camera and a laptop, and to transfer them onto sites such as YouTube and VideoGoogle, a cheap and very powerful way of communicating ideas of transition and energy descent. The course was a great success, with about 15 people with widely varying experience of making films spending the day filming and editing a number of short films.

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8 May 2007

Transition Towns – Local Responses to Peak Oil and Climate Change. An Interview: Part 2.

rt**Retrofitting Suburbia**

EON: David Holmgren, the co-originator with Bill Mollison of Permaculture, doesn’t agree that peak oil spells the ‘end of suburbia.’ He envisions using all that lawn space to grow food. Do you agree with catastrophic expectations for suburbia?

RH: Well, I think although “The End of Suburbia

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3 May 2007

Communicating Peak Oil to Teenagers – any ideas?

Transition Town Totnes is developing a project called ‘Transition Tales’ which is seeking to involve young people in exploring how the Transition process might be for the town, as well as to raise their awareness about peak oil and climate change. One of the great things about **Transition Culture** is all the wonderful readers out there bristling with ideas. I want to throw this out to you. Do you have any thoughts for exercises, games, demonstrations that could make an understanding of peak oil accessible to teenagers?

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Discussion: 9 Comments

Categories: Education for Sustainability