Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 281 - 285 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

17 Aug 2007

A Review of ‘Escape from Suburbia’.

es1‘The End of Suburbia’ changed my life. Before I saw it, I knew little or nothing about peak oil, since having seen it, like so many people, my life has never been the same. The film delivered it straight, addressing peak oil and our collective oil dependency like nothing prior to it had. It was informative, funny and chilling. It has been an extraordinary phenomenon, shown in community screenings around the world, and has arguably done more to promote the peak oil concept than any book yet produced on the subject. The sequel, ‘Escape from Suburbia’, has been keenly anticipated for some time now, and so it was with this sense of anticipation that I sat down to watch the DVD of the film last week. I have to say, I found it to be somewhat unsatisfying sequel, with mixed messages about responses to the peak oil crisis.

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16 Aug 2007

New Transition Town Totnes Programme Announced!

innerTransition Town Totnes‘s Autumn calendar of events until Christmas is launched today. Building on the previous year’s highly successful work and programme of talks, events, Open Space days and workshops, the new programme looks like the best yet. Highlights include a talk by David Strahan, an evening called ‘Economics in Transition’, with Richard Douthwaite, Bernard Lietaer and David Boyle, Open Space days on transport, education and one for young people, a performance of the travelling show ‘This Farming Life’ which presents traditional song and archive film of farming on and around Dartmoor since 1920, and it all starts with TTT’s first birthday party, celebrating one year since the Unleashing. You can download the inside of the new flyer here and the outside here. The programme in full appears below, and printed copies will be available by September 1st.

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7 Aug 2007

All Aboard the Eco Ark!

ea1Just back from the wonderful **Big Green Gathering**, so many things to write about and share, but I’ll start with one of the things that really impressed me, the Eco Ark (alternatively the Junk Boat). One of the wonderful things about festivals such as the BGG is the creativity they unleash, people who put a huge amount of time into creating things that just exist during the festival. On the Friday night I was walking back to my tent in the early hours, and came across a boat, complete with sails and rigging, sat in the field, full of people sitting chatting by candlelight. I passed by and went to bed that night, my mind racing with thoughts about how anyone got a boat to Cheddar, why on earth would they, and what an extraordinary thing it was to do. The next day I inspected it closer.

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23 Jul 2007

The Transition Town Totnes International Youth Music Festival.

bnnerA wonderful event took place at Bowden House near Totnes last Friday, bringing together about 150 teenagers together to make music and to party together, but also to be introduced to some of the ideas around Transition Town Totnes. The event was organised by a group within TTT and by the Totnes School of English. About half of the kids there were on foreign exchange trips to Totnes, the majority of them from Spain, and the rest were from Totnes itself, often from their host families. The weather just about behaved itself, despite the occasional rumble of thunder from over the hills… The whole evening was a real celebration of music, culture and of the energy the Transion Town approach has unleashed.

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20 Jul 2007

Giving Totnes Pounds to the Prince of Wales.

pow1I had the great privilege this week to be invited to teach as part of the Prince of Wales’s **Farming and Food Summer School** on his Highgrove Estate in Gloucestershire. He has, over recent years, developed a number of these summer schools on subjects such as architecture and education, and this was the first one to explore food and farming. The delegates had been invited from a diversity of backgrounds, senior people from DEFRA and the NFU, some from the commercial sector such as TESCO and Sainsburys, some local food pioneers and farmers, some organic, some not. The aim of the 4 day course was to explore the concept of sustainable food, and what that might mean in practice.

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