Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 271 - 275 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

17 Oct 2007

The Single Most Depressing Thing I Have Ever Read.

bmRegular readers of **Transition Culture** will know that I try not to make a habit of presenting depressing or distressing information, but today I will make an exception. Yesterday morning I read Carbon Equity’s The Big Melt report which is basically a review of all the literature and studies looking at what happened to the Arctic ice this summer. It does not make for comfortable reading, and indeed it adds enormous urgency to to need to reduce emissions. It argues that to speak of 2 degrees being a safe threshold is nonsense, that we haven’t yet reached 1 degree, but already the Arctic ice is melting 100 years ahead of when the IPCC predicted it would.

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5 Oct 2007

Calling All Former Kinsale Permaculture Students!


Since it began in September 2000, the Kinsale Practical Sustainability/Permaculture course has gone from strength to strength. This year the course could have filled twice over, and it has the largest amount of second years yet. Hundreds of people have passed through it, spent one or two years immersed in permaculture design and then gone off back into the world again. Where did they all go? What are they all doing now? Second year student Jeannie Timony has set up a website called Permies Portal to encourage past and present students to get in touch with each other. If you were ever a student at Kinsale please check out the site and post your details…. it’d be great to hear what you are all up to.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Permaculture

4 Oct 2007

Interviewed on Global Public Media…

A while ago I told you about an interview I had done with Global Public Media which explored in depth the Transition concept. In the meantime, the very noble Kristin Sponsler has actually gone through it and transcribed the whole thing. I thought you might find it of interest… Many thanks to Andy, Julian and the GPM team for making it available.

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1 Oct 2007

ASPO 6. In Praise of…#6. Nate Hagens.

nateI very much enjoyed the presentation by Nate Hagens called “A Supply and Demand Framework for a Full Planet”. Nate, among other things, is one of the editors of the Oil Drum. What was so good about his talk was that it came at the peak oil question from a completely different angle, and delved into areas not usually considered at peak oil conferences, in particular cognitive neuroscience. He began his talk using the analogy of the Irish Elk, which, prior to its extinction, had antlers that were 12 feet across.

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28 Sep 2007

Next Wednesday in Totnes: A Talk by David Strahan.

opo**The Last Oil Shock: The Imminent Extinction of Petroleum Man. A talk by David Strahan.**

(What follows is the TTT Press Release for next Wednesday’s talk). Whether you are a newcomer to the peak oil issue, or familiar with the debate and looking to deepen your understanding, this talk by writer, producer, and director **David Strahan** is a great opportunity to find out about the challenges facing a world current overly dependent on oil.

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