Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 256 - 260 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

3 Mar 2008

12 Tools for Transition. No.2: The Web of Resilience.

webAt the beginning of any course I teach, and also at events where I need one practical exercise to communicate the Transition concept, I use the following exercise, an adaptation of one I have used for years at the beginning of permaculture courses. I have done this with very diverse groups of people and I have never had it not work; it is always very powerful.

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29 Feb 2008

12 Tools for Transition. No.1: The Self-Teaching Peak Oil Talk.

dylanIn The Transition Handbook you will find 12 “Tools for Transition”, scattered through the book, practical activities that can help to support and deepen your Transition process. Some of them have evolved during the process, and others are other peoples’ ideas we have used and sometimes adapted. I’ll post them here, one a day. This first one is the shortest, but hopefully you might find a way to use it in your work.

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18 Feb 2008

Leadership in Transition.

emb**Learning, connecting, leading – a two-day Transition Training event­, exploring leadership within a Transition perspective.**

(*From publicity by the course organisers*). We felt that with so many communities embarking on the transition journey, now was the time to launch a training event that targets individuals who are stepping into leadership roles within transition initiatives throughout the network. The first instance of this course will be 20/22-June-2008.

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16 Jan 2008

FEASTA Public Meeting in Totnes, This Friday.

f**Public Meeting: How thinking about the climate crisis needs to change.**
Friday 18 January 2008. Venue: St. John’s Church, Totnes. 7.30pm to 9.30pm

We are delighted to announce that FEASTA, the Irish Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, are dropping in to Totnes this weekend for a climate think tank thing, and as part of that will be holding a public meeting this Friday. It looks like it will be a great event, so do try to get over for it.

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Discussion: Comments Off on FEASTA Public Meeting in Totnes, This Friday.

Categories: Climate Change, Economics, Education for Sustainability, Energy

18 Dec 2007

New 2008 Transition Town Totnes Programme Launched.

08 innerIt’s here, after many late nights editing, and a raft of last minute changes… It once again gives me great pleasure to unveil the new Transition Town Totnes programme, for January to March 2008. It represents our intention to begin to move the project away from high profile speakers and towards events which are more practical and focused and engage people in doing things. We think it is our strongest programme yet. It also contains a number of events intended to seed some new directions and ventures for TTT in the programme after this one. You can see the pdf. copies of the programme here (inner) and here (outer).

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