Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 231 - 235 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

14 May 2008

You and Yours get the End of the Age of Cheap Oil, Bigtime…


Things seem to be moving so fast these days. About 6 months ago, BBC Radio 4’s consumer affairs programme ‘You and Yours’ ran a piece about Transition Initiatives and peak oil where Jeremy Leggett debated peak oil with a ridiculous guy from, who basically argued that the free market will solve all ills and there is still loads of oil left. The presenters rather laughed off the peak oil discussion as though it was all rather alarmist and silly. How rapidly things have changed. Yesterday’s ‘Call You and Yours’ was devoted to high oil prices and how they are affecting the consumer, and it was powerful stuff (you can hear the programme for the next 6 days here).

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2 May 2008

‘Natural Born Survivors’, from today’s Guardian

tinsNatural born survivors. The Guardian. Friday 2nd May. Original here.

Rising oil prices, global food shortages and the economic crisis are proof for many survivalists that society is on the brink of meltdown. But are their predictions all gloom and doom – or a chance to create new communities? Harriet Green reports.

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1 May 2008

What is a Transition Initiative? The Archers definition…

oil rigTheTransition storyline in the Archers continues to evolve, leading many out there in Archersland to ask “what is a Transition Village anyway?” The Archers website this week offers a very useful and concise overview of what a Transition Initiative is, and it is quite a thorough overview.

This week, Pat is visiting Stroud in Gloucestershire to research her idea that Ambridge should become a “transition community”. But what would this process involve, and why?

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Categories: Climate Change, Education for Sustainability, Energy, Peak Oil, Transition Initiatives

24 Apr 2008

Patrick Whitefield Reviews The Transition Handbook

The Transition HandbookIt’s very rare that someone comes up with a genuinely new idea, but the concept of Transition Initiatives is one such. Transition aims to confront the twin challenges of climate change and peak oil at the level of the community – whether town, village, district or city – and for the initiative to come from the people themselves. Rob Hopkins is both the person who invented the idea and the author of this book.

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23 Apr 2008

The Joy of Socks

A while ago in Totnes we ran a course on sock darning. It felt to us like a very important skill to start retraining people in, and one of the many useful things the older generation could pass on to the younger. Although some people thought it a great idea, I did get a lot of ribbing about it (if you’ll excuse the knitting pun). However, in the subsequent months, sock darning has started to catch on. It’s the new salsa.

Our local wonderful organic clothing company, Greenfibres, recently put a great film about sock darning on YouTube (see below), which demystifies this most basic of arts so rapidly being consigned to the dustbin of history.

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