Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 221 - 225 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

5 Nov 2008

The 2008 Soil Association Conference, don’t miss it!

Last year’s Soil Association conference was an extraordinary event, one that took its delegates on a powerful journey into peak oil and out the other side.  Its insights and developments have informed many of its new projects and initiatives since, and this year’s conference takes the theme deeper, and is entitled “Transition: Food and Farming in 21st century Britain”. Like last year, it looks like an event not to be missed.

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Categories: Climate Change, Education for Sustainability, Food, Peak Oil, Transition Initiatives

9 Oct 2008

The Stirrings of Transition Los Angeles…

Here is an email I received from Joanne Poyourow in LA about the early steps that are being taken to kick start Transition ideas in the city.  Hope this is interesting/encouraging for other Transition city groups.  Just to remind you, the Transition Cities Conference takes place in Nottingham on the 27th – 28th November.  Full details to follow next week, but do put those dates in your diary. 

“Sometimes the question of “what to do about Los Angeles” seems just too big — both to those on the outside looking in, and even at times to the brave Permaculturists and Transitioners who are here working from the inside.  Los Angeles is huge. 

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4 Oct 2008

Transition on Chicago Public Radio

With The Transition Handbook now available in the US, and the first US Transition Training having been recently held by Michael Brownlee in Boulder, and with Transition Initiatives starting to pop up all across the country, I was recently interviewed by Jerome McDonnell for Chicago Public Radio’s Worldview programme.   You can hear the interview here, as well as the interview that followed it with Bill Wilson of Mid Western Permaculture, who just got back from Michael’s training, and is clearly very excited about the whole thing.  Other than Jerome thinking that Totnes is in Ireland, it all seemed to go fine…

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27 Aug 2008

What Transition Nottingham have been up to…

I was up in Nottingham a while ago giving a couple of talks to a very young but vigorously emergent Transition Nottingham group. The first talk was to an invited audience of business people and local councillors, and the second was a public talk with almost 200 people. There is some very good work going on there, a good deal of energy and momentum. On the Every Action Counts website, you can find this excellent update on what they are up to, which I have also copied below. We are planning a Transition Cities event for some time around the end of the year, which we hope will be in Nottingham. Watch this space.

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10 Jul 2008

An Update on Transition Tales, Powerdown Training in School

Presenters filmingI have mentioned Transition Tales here previously, it is the work that Transition Town Totnes has been doing in our local secondary school, working with Year 7 students raising awareness about energy issues and doing visioning work about how a post-oil world might be. Over the last couple of months the Transition Tales team has done the Transition Tales work with all of Year 7, and in the following article, project co-ordinator Hannah Mulder gives an overview of the project.

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