Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 216 - 220 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

11 Feb 2009

The Perils of an Economy Based on Bricks and Boutiques. Colin Hines speaks in Totnes.

Last week, Colin Hines spoke at St. John’s Church in Bridgetown as part of an evening event called ‘Money, Money, Money’.  Colin is the convenor of the Green New Deal, advisor to Caroline Lucas MEP and author of ‘Localisation: a global manifesto‘.  In spite of it being a foul night, cold, wet and wild, and it being an evening about economics, over 80 people turned up.  I present here a record of his talk, compiled from my scrawled notes.  Any mistakes here are entirely due to my never having learned shorthand as a child.

“This is the best of times, and it is the worst of times.  For some sections of our society it is already becoming the worst of times, with people losing their homes and being deeply worried as things becoming more and more dire and insecure.  It is the best of times in that dramatic change only comes at times of economic instability. 

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28 Jan 2009

‘The Crash Course’: essential viewing

We are often asked whether the Transition model should be adapted to explicitly reflect what is happening in the global economy at the moment.  This is an ongoing discussion, and one I will return to in subsequent posts, but of course, the intertwining of what is happening in the economy and the peaking in world oil production have been explored by others, as well as the recent observation that peak demand seems to have arrived in advance of peak supply, although peak supply is, of course, not far behind.  One of the tools that I personally have found extremely useful over the last few weeks in terms of really getting my head around how economics works, has been Chris Martenson’s ‘Crash Course’

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18 Nov 2008

Transition Training Goes on Tour, Blog #1

So yesterday we waved Naresh Giangrande off from Totnes on the first leg of the Transition Training Tour, with Sophy Banks set to head off to join him next week.  The next four months are a very ambitious attempt to meet some of the demand for training arising around the world and to create a pool of trainers that can support it.  They will be blogging regularly here at Transition Culture, and here is their first post by way of setting the scene. 

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Categories: Education for Sustainability

12 Nov 2008

Book Review: Preparing for Peak Oil: local authorities and the energy crisis

‘Preparing for Peak Oil: Local Authorities and the Energy Crisis’, prepared by the Oil Depletion Analysis Centre and the Post carbon Institute.  2008. 41 pages.  Free download here.

The whole question of how to communicate peak oil to local government, and how to support and encourage their creative and rapid responses to it, is huge and very timely.  ‘Preparing for Peak Oil’ is an excellent guidebook for anyone who wants to bring their local authority up to speed on energy depletion and climate change issues.  It is clear, well presented, and achieves an excellent balance between presenting the hard facts about peak oil alongside some positive and inspiring examples of change, as well as some clear and well thought through thinking tools.

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10 Nov 2008

If I Were Not in Nottingham for the Transition Cities Conference I Would be…

If you are not coming to Nottingham for the Transition Cities conference, you would do very well to attend this wonderful event in London, a crash course in the latest science of climate change.  The event is the precursor to the launch of a report called ‘Climate Safety’, modelled on the ‘Climate Code Red’ report.  Essential stuff.  Full details below…

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Categories: Climate Change, Education for Sustainability