Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 201 - 205 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

11 Dec 2009

Two Short Films from Transition Town Totnes

A couple of filmmakers are living in Totnes making a film about Transition, and in the process are making some short films documenting some of the TTT events taking place. Here are two short films they made, the first is about the brilliant TTT Winterfest event run a couple of weekends ago, which I haven’t yet blogged about but no longer need to now…

…and the second is about the ‘How We Used To Live‘ event the previous week….

Our thanks to them for making these records of TTT, I wish they had been here since the beginning, what an amazing archive there would now be!!

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4 Dec 2009

Essential Viewing: the Human Power Station

human powerFor years in talks, I have talked about the idea of “energy slaves”, trying to translate the amount of energy used in the average family house into the number of people pedalling on bicycles that would be required to meet their needs.  Thus far, no-one has ever actually tried to do it.  Until last night, on a fantastic ‘Bang Goes the Theory’ programme on BBC TV, they put this to the test, and found it is way more than that.  A brilliant programme, definitely worth watching.  I have talked to people who found this one of the best programmes in terms of an awareness of energy that they have ever seen.  You can view it for the next 7 days here.

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3 Dec 2009

Brian Davey Responds to Ted Trainer

trainerYou may remember recently Ted Trainer’s first draft of his paper “The Transition Towns Movement: its huge significance, and a friendly criticism”, and my subsequent response.  Ted subsequently sent some more detailed thoughts, and has since rewritten his piece, which you can download here.  Brian Davey of Transition Nottingham responded to Ted’s piece in a beautiful, heartfelt and fiery response, which he has kindly allowed me to share with you, as many of you might find that his key points resonate quite deeply.  My thanks to both.

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23 Nov 2009

Transition Town Tooting’s ‘Foodival’

Transition Town Tooting recently held their fantastic ‘Foodival‘ event. Rather than me write reams about it, check out the film below which offers a great record of the day.

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7 Nov 2009

The Transition North Conference, with audio files….

north1I travelled up last Friday to Slaithwaite in Yorkshire for first Transition North conference, which was supported by the Co-operative and attended by people from the Transition and Co-operative movements across the North of England. It was a wonderful day. Dynamic, positive, creative and very well attended. Hosted at the Civic Hall in the town, it was supplied with wonderful local food, and was very well organised by the Transition Marsden and Slaithwaite group.

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