Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 181 - 185 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

31 Mar 2010

Transition South East Gathering Film and Report

A few weeks ago now I mentioned the upcoming Transition South East conference, and showed you their wonderful poster.  By all accounts it was a quite wonderful day, you can read a write-up of the event here, and watch a fantastic film of the event (it’s so great when people do this) below.  We’re seeing more and more of these regional Transition events now, its a great thing to be happening.  Thanks to Ian Lawton of Act on CO2 for creating this record of the day.

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26 Mar 2010

Embarking on a Transition Tales Quest… on foot

stephI won’t be in Totnes on Monday, so I won’t be able to be part of the send-off for Steph Bradley of Transition Tales, as she sets off on the Transition Tales 2010 Quest, a six month walk around England to collect stories of positive change.  Armed with a raincoat, a pair of flipflops, a notepad laptop and, hopefully, a map, she will roam the land, collecting and telling stories. Given that I’m not around, I’ll wish her a safe, dry and inspiring trip here instead.  Please donate to support the walk here, you can find out more about her itinerary and whether she might be going anywhere near you here, and also Steph will be blogging from her travels, you’ll be able to follow the blog here. Here is the more detailed press release about the walk. 

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23 Mar 2010

Transition and resilience: an interview on Zoom’d

zoom'dI recently did an interview for the radio show Zoom’d Leadership with John D. Schmidt on the Voice America Talk Radio Network.  It was very enjoyable, and I think the final result turned out well.  You can hear it here, and download the podcast also.

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17 Mar 2010

An Interview with David Orr, author of ‘Down to the Wire’. Part One

David Orr in London.  Note highly energy wasteful chandeliers behind him (referred to in the interview)

David Orr in London. Note the offending highly energy wasteful chandeliers behind him (referred to in the interview)

David Orr was in the UK recently, and the two of us were part of a panel at an event organised by the Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment. After the event, we retired to the bar of a rather grand London hotel, and chatted for an hour about energy, climate change, the Precautionary Principle, Transition and whether or not we are beyond talk of ‘solutions’.  Part two will follow shortly.

So, how would you introduce yourself?

I’m David Orr. I teach at Oberlin College in Ohio and I also work as Senior Advisor to the President of the college on environmental issues generally, but specifically on the redevelopment of the town and the college to carbon neutrality, a 20,000 acre green belt and the revitalised downtown corridor.

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16 Mar 2010

Transition Songsmiths Round the World

There have been various threads here previously about music inspired by, or to inspire, Transition.  A quick scoot about on YouTube reveals a couple of Transition-themed tunes people have posted there.  This first one, by Lala Jane Wilson (I’m guessing that’s her name), was inspired by her going to watch ‘In Transition’…  she came home, and out came this….

The second one, as far as I can tell, is from somewhere in the US, where a competition sought local bands to sings songs about Transition (would love to know more about that…). This band, the Time Spinners, who all look about 15, came up with the song below, although it is quite hard to hear the lyrics…

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