Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 176 - 180 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

22 Apr 2010

Transition Town Totnes Holds Its Transition Hustings Event

hustings10On Wednesday night in Totnes, TTT held its Election Hustings event.  By the day of the election, there will have been 7 hustings events in the area, most of them following the traditional format of candidates in a row being asked questions by the audience.  TTT wanted to do things a bit differently, so a different format was devised in an attempt to get away from the usual experience of such events, and it worked very well.

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21 Apr 2010

“Life is a Series of Things You Are Not Quite Ready For”: The Unleashing of Transition City Lancaster

lancasterI am writing this as I travel back from a great trip to the beautiful city of Lancaster.  The reason for the trip was two-fold, firstly to co-present a workshop to the City Council, and secondly for that evening’s Unleashing of Transition City Lancaster (TCL).  I arrived off the train in Lancaster at about 2pm, and met Alexis Rowell, Camden’s eco-councillor and author of the forthcoming Transition Books tome on how to work with your local Council, as well as Steve and Rob of TCL.  We headed over to the Council offices to set up the workshop we were doing there for Council officers and members.

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19 Apr 2010

Transition Town Kingston: the story so far….

Here’s a great short film about Transition Town Kingston, created for their Unleashing, which took place on Saturday.  Wonderful when initiatives document their work like this.  Not quite sure what’s going on with Shaun Chamberlin and the phone box… looks like he has wrestled it to the ground….

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13 Apr 2010

Vandana Shiva in Totnes: GM, Climate Change and Transition

Vandana Shiva was in Totnes recently, and gave a talk as part of an evening co-presented by TTT and Schumacher College. Those darlings from nu-project were there, and documented the evening for posterity.  Vandana was on fine form, and these two short films below are a great record of her talk.

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31 Mar 2010

Transition Training and Consulting: a day with Norfolk County Council

norf3**A Guest Post by Naresh Giangrande**

It was with some fear and trepidation that Alexis Rowell, a Camden Borough councillor and the author of the upcoming Transition Guide to Local Authorities (LA), and I arrived in a deeply conservative part of the country, Norfolk, to do a day with them on peak oil, climate change and the Transition town model and practice. For those that don’t know it, Norfolk is a stunningly beautiful part of the country which is partly comprised of two areas, the Norfolk Broads, a large inland waterway system and the Fens (see pics below) which is partly wild and very intensively farmed, it being one of the UKs most productive farmland. It is also largely at sea level therefore at the hard edge of climate change policy. As the Helen and Newton Harrison’s work, Green House Britain makes clear, a 5 metre rise in sea levels will mean a significant part of East Anglia would be under water.

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