Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 151 - 155 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

23 Sep 2010

Transition as a Pattern Language: Unleashings

An Unleashing is the culmination of your initiative’s AWARENESS RAISING work, offering the opportunity for CELEBRATING what it has already achieved, where it might go, as well as the culture of the place. As you start BUILDING STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS an Unleashing can be a powerful way of publicising those new connections.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition as a Pattern Language: Unleashings

Categories: Community Involvement, Culture, Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Storytelling, Transition as a Pattern Language, Transition Initiatives

22 Sep 2010

Transition as a Pattern Language: Awareness Raising


In terms of practical activities, awareness raising is where you start.  Your success, or otherwise, in doing it well will be a key factor in how successful your initiative is going forward.  It will be a key part in your BUILDING STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS (2.12) and in sustaining MOMENTUM (3.6).

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Discussion: Comments Off on Transition as a Pattern Language: Awareness Raising

Categories: Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Transition as a Pattern Language

20 Sep 2010

Celebrating the New Totnes PV Array with an Energy Fair!

Totnes Civic Hall, now graced with 75 photovoltaic panels...

On Saturday Transition Town Totnes held one of those events that feels really celebratory and somehow like it marks a significant step forward in the whole Transition process (well, in Totnes anyway…).  The Transition Streets Energy Fair was designed to celebrate the new photovoltaic installation on the Civic Hall, to inspire a new round of recruitment for Transition Streets, to provide the public with access to a range of renewable energy installers and information, and to raise the whole profile of renewables and energy conservation.  It did all of these, and more, in a very well-attended day with a great buzz.

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7 Sep 2010

Reflections From Alongside The Threshing Machine

Last weekend I was at Embercombe, about 20 minutes drive from Totnes, for the West Country Storytelling Festival.  Embercombe is a fascinating evolving project, describing itself as “a charity and social enterprise established to champion a way of living that celebrates the opportunities inherent in this challenging time and that inspires people to energetically contribute towards the emergence of a socially just, environmentally sustainable and spiritually fulfilling human presence on earth”.  It is also a stunning place, a mix of woodlands and fields.  Food production is becoming a key part of its work, and it now has a wonderful vegetable garden, orchards, field scale veg and, of particular interest to me, some small scale cereals production.  The day I was there, they were threshing (or attempting to thresh) some of what they had grown, and I thought I would share some of the conversations that took place by the threshing machine. 

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3 Sep 2010

An August Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition (with loads of videos!)

Two months’ worth of round up in quick succession… normal service will be resumed next month.  So, let’s start this roundup in Europe,  with an interview with Ellen Bermann of Transition Italia, sat on a terrazza somewhere with a rather nice view (understanding Italian an advantage…).

Transition in Germany is going on well, with another successful training and a further one coming up on 9 October in Bielefeld, so if you’re interested do get in touch with them. There are also lots of new registered users for their German-speaking Transition Network, as well as meetings with key players in German peak oil organisations, and increasing interest from the media as more articles appear in German publications. And congratulations to TT Bielefeld as they celebrate their first year! Thanks to Gerd for this update.  Here is a film of him giving a presentation about Transition (understanding German will help considerably.)….

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