Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 116 - 120 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

25 Mar 2011

Naomi Klein in Totnes: The Movie!

Well, it has been Naomi Klein week here at Transition Culture!  Here is the film, beautifully produced by those good folks at nuproject, of Naomi’s talk in Totnes last weekend.  Amazing they have turned it around so quickly.  Here’s the film … enjoy …

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22 Mar 2011

‘Asleep at the Wheel [where is our culture heading?]

The role of the arts in helping to inform and inspire people around the issues of peak oil and climate change is one we have explored here at Transition Culture before.  It was fascinating to read about a recent project by ‘sonic artist’ Janek Schaefer, and his original installation produced as artist in residence for the IF:Milton Keynes International Festival 2010.  ‘Asleep at the Wheel’ created a ‘ghost road’ of cars in an abandoned supermarket, and introduced people to thinking about peak oil and related issues in some intriguing ways (you can read more about it here).  Here is a short film about the installation:

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18 Mar 2011

Transition in Action: Towards a resilient Taunton Deane – from then to now

On Wednesday I handed the CD containing the first completed draft of ‘The Transition Companion’ over the Green Books for the editing process to begin.  Phew!  Been quite a mission (due out in September).  Anyway, one of the things that runs through the books is ‘Transition in Action’ sections, drawing together inspiring stories from Transition groups of some of their projects.  I’ll post a few of them, starting with this one, from Transition Taunton Deane, written by Chrissy Godfrey… have a good weekend.

“Taunton Transition Town ran an exemplary visioning exercise with their local borough council between July and September 2009, at the request of the council’s strategic director.  It brought together almost all the council’s 375 employees, from senior management to plumbers, plus over half of the council’s elected members, to create a vision for a post-oil Taunton Deane. 

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Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Culture, Economics, Education for Sustainability, Peak Oil, Politics, Storytelling, Transition Initiatives

11 Mar 2011

Something for the weekend… Richard Heinberg in Totnes

A week ago today, Richard Heinberg gave a stunning talk in Totnes on ‘The End of Growth’.  Thanks to our dear friends at nuproject, I can now unveil the film of his talk.  Enjoy… .

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2 Mar 2011

Transition and the cuts: a report from Camden

Here is a guest post by Sarah Nicholl and Marietta Birkholtz, on behalf of CamdenCAN, Transition Belsize and Transition Bloomsbury.

It was heartbreaking to be at Camden Council last night. Because of the government-imposed cuts libraries, playgroups, breakfast clubs and after school care are being swept away in a borough that has always prided itself on its public services, especially for the young. Protests outside the council turned into chaotic and ugly scenes and the police prevented demonstrators entering the building on public order grounds. A few made it in and loudly berated councillors for cutting services. Council had to be adjourned at one point.

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