Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Education for Sustainability” category

Showing results 101 - 105 of 389 for the category: Education for Sustainability.

16 Jun 2011

Transition as Cookery: my presentation at the 2011 Tagore Festival

A couple of months ago I did a talk at the Tagore Festival at Dartington which eschewed Powerpoint and used objects sent in by Transition groups to tell the story of how Transition unfolds.  I really enjoyed it.  Here it is:

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9 Jun 2011

French Connection: a report on the acceleration of Transition in France

Here’s a guest blog from Naresh Giangrande on his recent trip to France.

Snow capped mountains and broad fertile valleys, welcome to Trieves; a region of France in the foothills of the Alps above Provence, and the host for the first major French gathering of Transition Initiatives. You won’t find Trieves on any map, and even Google seems not to know of its existence, however there is a strong local identity centred around ecological awareness, and it come as no surprise that it is the host of this, France’s first Transition conference. It is place of small holdings and many young people returning to the land.

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3 Jun 2011

Bart Anderson on Transition

Here’s a short interview I just came across of an interview with Bart Anderson, editor of the wonderful EnergyBulletin, speaking about Transition and his involvement in it… something nice and gentle for a Friday morning….

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30 May 2011

A May Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Gathering for the Unleashing of Transition Albany in the US. Pic: Dorothy Brown.

Welcome to the May monthly roundup of what’s happening in the world of Transition. We hope this issue will lift your spirits and inspire you to continue working within your communities – wherever they may be!  We start with Kinsale in Ireland which was the first ever Transition Town in the world! Kinsale’s plans for a bio-waste project is leading the way for Ireland’s first community run, eco-friendly anaerobic digester (AD). The project has recently been boosted by a grant of €37,500 from the Department of the Environment under its Rethink, Recycle, Remake (Rx3).

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Discussion: Comments Off on A May Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Culture, Education for Sustainability, General, Great Reskilling, Local Currencies, Localisation, Storytelling, Transition Initiatives

11 May 2011

Ingredients of Transition: Education for Transition

Members of Transition Edinburgh University do something interesting in some woods somewhere to celebrate 10:10:10...

Here is the very final additional ingredient for ‘The Transition Companion’.  It is still in draft form, so I’d really appreciate your thoughts, comments, or interesting case studies of things your initiative is up to…  Thanks.  My thanks to Isabel Carlisle for her input with this ingredient…

How can education, at all levels, best contribute to the Transition process, building resilient individuals, resilient communities and resilient institutions?

“Sustainability is about the terms and conditions of human survival, and yet we still educate at all levels as if no such crisis existed”.

David Orr.

The future that young people and those in further education are currently being educated for is not the future that is, in reality, approaching.  The failure of government, and of much of the education system , to put resilience and sustainability central to their planning and teaching means that a whole generation is being prepared for business as usual while deep down most young people, and their teachers, know that the reality will be very different.  This is a woeful neglect of duty.

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