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Archive for “Economics” category

Showing results 231 - 235 of 243 for the category: Economics.

21 Feb 2006

‘Cancel That Apocalypse’ – Delusional peak oil nonsense from Bloomberg.

lynnI wrote last week about peak oil denial, and the many forms it takes. **** recently published a staggeringly ill-informed piece by Matthew Lynn called Cancel That Apocalypse – The Oil Crisis Is Over which begins *”forget that order for a funny- looking electric car. Take the solar panels off the roof. Don’t worry about hoarding tinned food for the long economic slump that is about to engulf the world. Why? Because the oil crisis we were all concerned about less than a year ago is quietly going away”*. Hmmm. I sense a case of peak oil denial…

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Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil

15 Feb 2006

Peak Oil Hits Primetime Irish Evening Radio.

rte**Five Seven Live** is RTE’s main evening radio news programme. Until now peak oil hadn’t really featured in the Irish media at all, but all of a sudden here we are, a weeklong series of articles on the subject, featuring Colin Campbell, Matt Simmons and other peak oil luminaries. The presenter, Philip Boucher-Hayes did an excellent job of condensing this complex subject into five 8 minute pieces. He really got under the skin of the issue, and didn’t shy away from telling it like it is. I was especially struck by

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Economics, Energy, Peak Oil

14 Feb 2006

Iran as Nuclear Threat? – don’t believe the hype.

iran nextThings get more worrying each day as regards Iran and the US and Britain’s sabre rattling in their direction. I want to draw your attention to two articles and two books that will help you to make sense of what is going on at the moment. The Iran Crisis and Peak Oil by Charles Whalen sets out very clearly what he thinks is going to happen over the next few months, and it won’t be pretty. He talks of US military action leading to oil prices over $300 a barrel and to a meltdown in the Middle East.

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Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil, Politics

25 Jan 2006

Plan B revisited – now with added Peak Oil!

Plan B**Lester Brown** is one of the most influential environmental analysts around, and founded the Earth Policy Institute. He has written many books, generally packed with information and detail, and rarely containing much information that would send you skipping and dancing in the street. His latest book, Plan B – rescuing a planet under stress and a civilisation in trouble, was his attempt at an emergency plan for saving the world. While it is insightful and excellent, I found it rather frustrating in that what I would regard as the single biggest challenge, i.e. peak oil, wasn’t mentioned once. It is interesting to observe that Brown has now carried out a major rewrite of Plan B, and a new edition has just be published called Plan B 2.0, which has now taken peak oil

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil

24 Jan 2006

Iran’s Oil Exchange threatens the Greenback

dollars*Here is an article I just came across which struck me as really important, and which you should read in order to make sense of events happening around Iraq at the moment. I don’t make a habit of posting articles from elsewhere, but this is an important piece. International events make much more sense when we understand what is going on behind the scenes.*
**Iran’s Oil Exchange threatens the Greenback** – by Mike Whitney of

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Economics, Peak Oil, Politics