Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Economics” category

Showing results 226 - 230 of 243 for the category: Economics.

4 Apr 2006

Ireland’s ‘Hirsch Report’ Released

forfasForfas, Ireland’s national policy advisory board for enterprise, trade, science, technology and innovation today releases its long-awaited study on the potential impacts of peak oil on the Irish economy A Baseline Assessment of Ireland’s Oil Dependence – key policy considerations. Forfas operates under the auspices of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. Robert Hirsch collaborated on the study, so how adequately does it address the challenges that Ireland will face?

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Economics, Peak Oil

4 Apr 2006

Another Indicator that the Peak is Near…

rigYesterday’s Independent’s Business section contained an article by Simon English called Opec ‘doing all it can’ for oil prices which offered another insight into the fact that the peak is very near. It is an interesting feature of peak oil that many of the most interesting articles and insights on the subject are to be found in the business sections of the newspapers. Certainly the business section was always the part of the paper that I avoided like the plague, a sort of seedy and barely comprehensible world that really I’d rather not know anything about. Now it is one of the first places I look for

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil

24 Mar 2006

An Energy Descent Research Project for Someone…

depletionOne of the things that strikes me as an essential part of researching energy descent plans is the question of when different things become viable as energy availability decreases (and thereby price rises). For example, at the moment it is not viable to start a market garden in the middle of Totnes, as it could never produce food at a price competitive with the supermarkets. However, at some point,

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Discussion: 10 Comments

Categories: Economics, Localisation, Peak Oil

17 Mar 2006

FEASTA issue new briefing on emissions trading.

feastaFEASTA, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, based in Dublin, have just issued a briefing paper called The Great Emissions Rights Give Away, which explores the question of what is the fairest form of emissions trading. The paper is deeply critical of the EU’s proposed carbon trading system and suggests a new more equitable and effective system. It is also critical of David Fleming’s TEQ’s approach as set out in his book ‘Energy and the Common Purpose’, for reasons which all rather go over my head. The two will be debating the subject in Dublin in mid-April, I’ll let you know more about that soon. The paper can be downloaded for free and is very readable and illuminating.

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Discussion: Comments Off on FEASTA issue new briefing on emissions trading.

Categories: Climate Change, Economics, Energy, Politics

1 Mar 2006

Local Solutions Conference, New York.


Well, I know where I’d like to be at the end of April! How about this for the ultimate conference on peak oil and relocalisation as the response to it? The conference is called Local Solutions to the Energy Dilemma and has a dazzling array of speakers, including Steve Andrews,
Catherine Austin Fitts, Michael Klare, James Howard Kunstler, Geoff Lawton, Andrew McKillop, Pat Murphy, David Pimentel, Megan Quinn, David Room, Michael Ruppert and Matt Savinar among a much longer list of others, all looking at the practicalities of economic relocalisation as a response to peak oil. Do check out their website and get along and support this event if you can.

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