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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Economics” category

Showing results 216 - 220 of 243 for the category: Economics.

28 Aug 2006

ASPO 5. Skrebowski tells us there’s 1,500 days until the Peak, & closing thoughts on ASPO 5.

**Chris Skrebowski. Peak Oil and the Emerging Reality.**

skreb*Chris is the editor or Petroleum Review and is a well known speaker on peak oil. He also uses very detailed Powerpoint presentations which he zips through so fast that comprehensive note taking is nigh on impossible! You can find his powerpoint here, which is well worth a read, as he is a challenge to even the most dedicated note taker! Here’s what I got down from his talk, for which I make no claims of completeness (it was very hot in that tent!)*

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil, Technology, Transport

25 Aug 2006

ASPO 5. Dennis Meadows – Peak Oil and Limits to Growth.

**Dennis Meadows. Peak Oil and Limits to Growth. Wednesday 19th July 2006.**

meadows***Dennis Meadows** is one of the key figures in the environmental movement over the last 50 years, and one of the authors of perhaps the single best known environmental book “Limits to Growth

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17 Aug 2006

ASPO 5 – Colin Campbell Puts the Oil Age Into Perspective…

colinThe first proper speech of ASPO 5 was by **Dr. Colin Campbell**, and was called ‘Peak Oil in Perspective’. He began by talking about the history of ASPO, how it was born in Germany in 2000 as an informal network and now has organisations in 20 countries, the term peak oil has now entered the dictionary. Although there is a lot of work still to do, the fact that we are near the end of the Age of Cheap Oil is no longer in dispute. All times of transition are hard, but perhaps at the end we reach a better place.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil

5 Jul 2006

Lomborg, Climate Change and Energy Descent.

lomborg**Bjorn Lomborg** is Environmentalist Baiter Supreme, the one guy with some letters after his name who is wheeled out in the media to represent the scientific face of climate denial. Despite having been accused of scientific dishonesty by the Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty, he is still out there, touting his free market ideas. This Sunday’s Observer newspaper included an article by Lomborg called Climate change can wait. World health Can’t.

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5 Jun 2006

ASPO Conference in Cork – A Report.

**Association for the Study of Peak Oil Conference, Cork City, Ireland. May 31st 2006. A Report by Graham Strouts.**

aspo1Some 70 delegates from business, farming and community groups attended **“Peak Oil: Business Threats and Opportunities

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Discussion: Comments Off on ASPO Conference in Cork – A Report.

Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil