Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Economics” category

Showing results 206 - 210 of 243 for the category: Economics.

5 Mar 2007

Notes from the Meeting of International Forum on Globalisation – Day One.

ifgI was deeply honoured to be invited to a meeting of the IFG in London last weekend. For those who don’t know, the IFG is a North-South research and educational institution composed of leading activists, economists, scholars and researchers providing analyses and critiques on the cultural, social, political and environmental impacts of economic globalisation. It produces numerous publications; organises high-profile, large public events; hosts many issue-specific seminars and much more. Their last such gathering had been in San Francisco a few months ago, and the subject of this one, hosted in London, was “The Triple Crisis – climate chaos; peak oil (the end of cheap energy) and global resource depletion

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Discussion: Comments Off on Notes from the Meeting of International Forum on Globalisation – Day One.

Categories: Climate Change, Economics, Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Peak Oil

1 Mar 2007

Local MP Endorses ‘Totnes Pounds’.

steenAnthony Steen, MP for Totnes, has thrown his weight behind a new local currency scheme in the town. A limited number of **Totnes Pounds** are being put into local circulation to launch the **Transition Town Totnes (TTT) Economics and Livelihoods** group on Wednesday 7th March. Three hundred of the individually numbered ‘pounds’ will be given out at the event which features Molly Scott Cato, a lecturer and author speaking on **Local Money, Local Skills, Local Power…the role of money in building resilience.** Her talk will be followed by a panel discussion which will explore some of the issues raised.

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26 Feb 2007

Exclusive to Transition Culture – An Interview with Tony Juniper, part 2. Climate Change, Technofixes and TEQs.

jp2**Do you think that a low-carbon business-as-usual is possible, or is a low carbon world so radically different from the present that we can hardly begin to imagine it?**

I think there will be a transition, and I think it is pretty impossible for us to have an orderly withdrawl from the Carbon Age that happens very quickly, we can’t do it. Our infrastructure, our transportation systems, our fuel mix, our agriculture crucially, everything, is geared up to being heavily dependent on fossil fuels.

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23 Feb 2007

Exclusive to Transition Culture – An Interview with Tony Juniper – Part 1. Peak oil, climate change and the role of local communities.

j3**Tony Juniper** is the executive director of Friends of the Earth UK, and a seasoned environmental campaigner. Recently down in Totnes teaching part of the three week Climate Change course at Schumacher College, he also spoke in town as part of the TTT programme. I managed to grab 15 minutes of his time to ask him a few questions.

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11 Dec 2006

“Plant trees, disband the army, work together: the Tuscan way of surviving collapse” by Ugo Bardi.

**Plant trees, disband the army, work together: the Tuscan way of surviving collapse by Ugo Bardi.**

tosc**Ugo Bardi** is a Professor at the Dipartimento di Chimica at Università di Firenze in Italy, and is also President of [ASPO Italy](”ASPOIT”), who so ably hosted ASPO5 in Pisa earlier this year. In this article, Ugo delves back into the history of his region of Italy, Tuscany, and identifies strategies and lessons of relevance to societies in their attempts to respond to peak oil. Having lived in Tuscany myself for a couple of years, it is a part of the world I am very fond of, so here is an article which mixes post-peak solutions and Tuscan history, and offers some very useful points in so doing.

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