Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Economics” category

Showing results 201 - 205 of 243 for the category: Economics.

6 Jun 2007

Totnes Pound Press Generates Press Frenzy!

bbcttp**The Totnes Pound** pilot drew to a close a couple of days ago, and since then, the amount of press interest has been amazing. There was a piece on the local BBC TV news, and a piece on their website, where you will find a link that allows you to watch the TV news piece. That then stimulated requests for interviews from Radio 5 Live, a range of local BBC stations, and even some overseas media. I did a short piece for the Stuart Maconie show yesterday afternoon. People are genuinely fascinated by the idea, and keen to find out more about the planned relaunch, set for sometime in the next couple of weeks.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Economics, Localisation

19 Apr 2007

The Totnes Pound – going well and considering its evolution.

tpLast Sunday’s Observer magazine mentioned the Totnes Pound in an article called How Green Can Your Money Be? by Lucy Siegle, as part of the Ethical Living section. The Totnes Pound pilot is going very well, they are still out there changing hands, most shops getting asked for them more often than they are actually able to give them out in change. As I wrote here when we launched it, we put 300 notes into circulation, and the pilot runs until June 1st. At that point we will interview the various shops that took them and collect the data from the notes in terms of how many times they changed hands. This will be formulated into a report that we will publish, at **Transition Culture** among other places. It should be a really useful piece of research.

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Discussion: 8 Comments

Categories: Economics, Localisation

2 Apr 2007

Our Shiny New Donations Button.

donWe just added a ‘Donations’ button, over there on the right. **Transition Culture** has been going for a year and a half now, updated most days, determinedly independent and unwilling to accept advertising from anyone, and leading the way on ideas, tips, musings and rants about how we might enable our collective transition to an oil-free world. The feedback we get from you is very positive, you seem to really appreciate what is offered here. All of this is offered for free, and always will be, even though

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Discussion: 3 Comments

Categories: Economics

12 Mar 2007

Molly Scott Cato’s Talk in Totnes – “The Bioregional Economy”.

molly**Molly Scott Cato** is the Green Party’s economics spokesperson and is the author of *’Market Schmarket’*. We were delighted when she agreed to come to Totnes to talk at our event last week to launch the TTT Economics and Livelihoods Group. Her talk touched on both the reasons for a more bioregional economy and how we might achieve it.

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8 Mar 2007

The Totnes Pound Goes Into Circulation!

tp10Last night at a talk by Molly Scott Cato in Totnes (of which more later) the **Totnes Pound** went into circulation. The Totnes Pound is a pilot project that will run until June 1st to see how a complementary currency might work in the town. 18 local business have agreed to accept them, and last night was when they went into circulation, everyone who attended each getting a note. There was a real buzz of excitement around the launch. Rather than write reams of text about how exciting it was to see them go out into the world, I thought I’d go with the principle that a picture is worth a thousand words, and show you some pictures of excited Totnesians and their Pounds…

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