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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Economics” category

Showing results 181 - 185 of 243 for the category: Economics.

14 May 2008

You and Yours get the End of the Age of Cheap Oil, Bigtime…


Things seem to be moving so fast these days. About 6 months ago, BBC Radio 4’s consumer affairs programme ‘You and Yours’ ran a piece about Transition Initiatives and peak oil where Jeremy Leggett debated peak oil with a ridiculous guy from, who basically argued that the free market will solve all ills and there is still loads of oil left. The presenters rather laughed off the peak oil discussion as though it was all rather alarmist and silly. How rapidly things have changed. Yesterday’s ‘Call You and Yours’ was devoted to high oil prices and how they are affecting the consumer, and it was powerful stuff (you can hear the programme for the next 6 days here).

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1 May 2008

They don’t just shop local in Totnes – they have their very own currency

By Rob Sharp. The Independent. Thursday, 1 May 2008

If you were to nip down to Devon’s Totnes market on a Saturday looking to buy some spelt flour pancakes, crêpes or falafels, then you might just encounter Lou Brown, who is a remarkably fine cook. But she has another, non-culinary distinction. Unlike most businesses in the country, Brown does not deal in currency with a picture of the Queen’s head on it. No, instead, her change features an image much closer to home. The town where she lives.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Economics, Localisation, Peak Oil, Resilience, Transition Initiatives

30 Apr 2008

Borrowing Money to Enable Transition? That’s Dangerous!

that’s dangerousI spoke at the weekend at the Triodos Bank AGM in Bristol, an excellent day with an interesting mix of speakers, some great stalls and lots of people who wanted to buy Transition Handbooks (thereby saving my having to lug them all home again). I was speaking in the same session with Patrick Holden of the Soil Association, and Patrick spoke very powerfully of his own attempts at Transitioning his life. Near the end of his talk, he raised a very interesting point which I wanted to explore up here at Transition Culture. He referred to a book that he reads with his youngest son called ‘That’s Dangerous!’

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28 Apr 2008

The Art of Falling Apart: do we ever learn from our mistakes? (Grangemouth, peak oil and catastrophic hard drive failures)…

blackOur personal lives can sometimes imitate what is happening in the wider world to an alarming extent. On Friday morning I sat down at my computer to write you a very amusing piece about olive oil (which you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for…), only to find that my computer had seized up, and refused to start. The Microsoft Windows Screen of Death (left) loomed large. I dashed to my local computer repair man, whose first question, on noting the symptoms, was “have you got everything backed up?” Ah. Hum.

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3 Apr 2008

Towns to drive local economy with own currency

steen poundFrom the Western Mail. April 2nd 2008. By Stepffan Rhys. Original here.

IT WOULD be cash but not – quite – as we know it.

A group of Welsh towns is pushing to have its own currency as it tries to create a micro- economy, the Western Mail can reveal today.

The aim? To strengthen links between local businesses and consumers while reducing reliance on big business.

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Discussion: 6 Comments

Categories: Economics, Transition Initiatives