Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Economics” category

Showing results 116 - 120 of 243 for the category: Economics.

14 Jun 2010

My Conference – Shaun Chamberlin on Stoneleigh’s peak oil/finance talk

Goodbye cruel world

So here I am. I fully intended to be giving the England match my full attention right now, but I’ve been left distinctly restive by this afternoon’s long session by Stoneleigh of The Automatic Earth, and feel the need to put some thoughts down.

Including the extensive Q&A session her talk lasted virtually three hours and covered a lot of ground, starting from a good runthrough of the ‘peak energy’ situation, but quickly focusing in on finance, as she believes that this is the factor that will most dramatically shape our immediate future. Notably, the talk attracted almost half the attendees of the Transition Conference, despite the numerous other Open Space sessions taking place at the same time.

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10 Jun 2010

Lloyds on Peak Oil, Climate Change, Resource Depletion… a historic publication…

As the final arrangements are made for this weekend’s Transition Network Conference (the weather forecast is looking good, by the way!), a newly released report from Lloyds Insurance and Chatham House does an amazing job of putting the case for Transition to a business audience (you can download it here).  Although given the mad, pre-conference swirl, I haven’t yet read it in detail, its conclusions are striking, indeed quite extraordinary, and I have reproduced them below.  Nothing about the role of communities, but then this is a report aimed at business.  It does, however, state that any business seeking to be successful in the future will need to be prepared for ‘dramatic changes in the energy sector’, and that energy dependency will become a key vulnerability. It is interesting also that it arrives just after the new UK government announces it is commissioning a review of global resource scarcity and how it will affect the UK.    This is, in effect, the Hirsch Report for British business… and provides the perfect case for the work that Transition Training and Consulting are now doing with businesses. 

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9 Jun 2010

A Remote Talk to Helsinki

I recently gave a presentation to a conference in Helsinki organised by the British Council in Finland, via. pre-recorded DVD. They then posted it online, so if you are interested, here it is…. .

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8 Jun 2010

Exclusive to Transition Culture: an Interview with Chris Martenson: Part Two

When we talked before, you mentioned some practical stories about how people in the US and how people in Transition projects were making use of the Crash Course – could you tell us about those?

Certainly, a number of people have used the Crash Course to great effect.  It’s available online for free but not everybody watches 3½ hours of material on a computer, and it really wasn’t my intent for people to sit down alone and watch 3½ hours of stuff on the computer.  It’s meant to be shared.  So we produced it as three separate discs – they come in a single DVD case – and each of those discs is an hour and a half or less, and that was produced so that people would take that and bring it to their communities, maybe run three separate sessions a week.

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7 Jun 2010

Exclusive to Transition Culture: An Interview with Chris Martenson: Part One

martenson1A while ago, Peter Lipman and myself did an interview with Chris Martenson when he was in Bristol as part of his tour of the UK.  We did an extensive and far-ranging interview, which was absolutely fascinating.  Unfortunately, the memory card in my recording machine was irreparably damaged shortly thereafter and the interview lost, and so, a couple of weeks ago, we repeated the exercise, this time over the phone.  This ‘second-time lucky’ interview covers much of the same ground, and proved to be just as fascinating.

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