Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Economics” category

Showing results 106 - 110 of 243 for the category: Economics.

1 Nov 2010

The Environmental Movement in Ireland: a postscript

I have just been looking at the online version (which is pretty restrictive, but you get the general idea) of Liam Leonard’s new book ‘The Environmental Movement in Ireland’.  It offers a very well researched overview of the evolution of the green movement politically in Ireland, the rise of protest culture through campaigns such as The Glen of the Downs roads protest, the Rossport 5 and the various anti-incineration and anti-nuclear campaigns.  As such, it is a very detailed and comprehensive look at those aspects of the green presence in Ireland, but it strikes me that one key part of that story is missing.  So far as I could tell, there is nothing that documents the movement that was developing in parallel which focused on solutions, on practically modelling solutions, often at great personal and financial cost.  This morning then, I want to take a stab at what that chapter might have included.

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19 Oct 2010

Economic Collapse or Prosperity without Growth? A Conversation in Totnes…

Hot on the heels of the talk by Tim Jackson that I posted here yesterday, here is a film of a recent event that was run in Totnes, which featured Tim, as well as Ed Mayo and TTT’s Naresh Giangrande.  My thanks to the good people at nuproject for doing this…

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17 Oct 2010

Tim Jackson on Economic Growth from this year’s TED Talks

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Discussion: 11 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Economics, TED Talks

11 Oct 2010

Transition and Social Enterprise: a short film

Here is a great short film made by Harvest Creative for EMSSE (East Midlands School for Social Entrepreneurs) about the exciting overlaps between Transition and social enterprise, which will be a core theme of the second edition of the Transition Handbook.  Excellent stuff…

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13 Sep 2010

A Report from the Launch of the Totnes Renewable Energy Society

Last Friday, in Totnes Civic Hall, saw the historic launch of the Totnes Renewable Energy Society (TRESOC).  A key piece in the relocalisation of Totnes and district, TRESOC offers members of the community the chance to buy into their own renewable energy company.  The evening started with Cllr. Tony Whitty, the Mayor of Totnes, who put the work of TRESOC in the context of the town’s wider spirit of being a pioneering town, a spirit now embodied in its identity as a Transition Town.  He mentioned the 74 photovoltaic panels now adorning the Hall as part of the Transition Streets initiative, which will be formally ‘switched on’ at the Energy Fair next Saturday.  TRESOC, he told the nearly-full Civic Hall, is another key step towards enhancing the sustainability and resilience of Totnes.

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Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Economics, Energy, Localisation, Resilience, Technology