Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Economics” category

Showing results 96 - 100 of 243 for the category: Economics.

8 Feb 2011

Community Asset Ownership 1: an interview with Sara Neuff of Coin Street Community Builders

Here is the first of two interviews I did recently for the new book, on the subject of the community ownership of assets.  The second will be published tomorrow.  Today’s is with Sara Neuff of Coin Street Community Builders, an amazing project I have written about here before.

So Sara, why is it important that communities own and run their own assets?  Why does it matter?

The first response to that is that it in a sense depends upon the kind of asset and what it is you’re trying to achieve. 

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Discussion: Comments Off on Community Asset Ownership 1: an interview with Sara Neuff of Coin Street Community Builders

Categories: Community Involvement, Culture, Economics, General, Great Reskilling, Transition Initiatives

7 Feb 2011

Social Enterprise in Action two-day workshop, Totnes.

From my experience of going to different events which promote the concept of social enterprise, it is clear that the idea that social enterprise can be used as a driver for decarbonisation and economic localisation is a very small but emergent part of the social enterprise ‘scene’.  It was therefore timely and fascinating to spend 2 days in Totnes last week exploring, in a collaboration between Transition Network, Local United and Transition Town Totnes, the role social enterprise and entrepreneurship might play in building resilience at the local level.

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28 Jan 2011

Transition on Italian TV programme about growth

Here is a clip from a programme made for Rai 3 in Italy which looked at the future (or not) of economic growth and which included a trip to see Transition in Totnes, in Berlin and also in Monteveglio.   Great stuff, although understanding Italian is definitely an advantage….

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24 Jan 2011

Tradeable Energy Quotas launched in the House of Commons

Last week saw the Parlimentary launch of Tradeable Energy Quotas (TEQs), the brilliantly simple carbon rationing approach developed by the late Dr. David Fleming with the support of ‘Transition Timeline’ author Shaun Chamberlin.  The excellent new report (which you can download here) was launched at an event featuring Caroline Lucas MP, John Hemming MP, Jeremy Leggett and Shaun.  Each gave a presentation, you can see Shaun’s very clear overview of what TEQ’s is and how it works below…

[Part Two]

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17 Dec 2010

‘Confronting Change’ at London’s South Bank Centre

A fantastic evening last night at the South Bank Centre in London, organised by Transition Finsbury Park.  The event was a sell-out, and proved to be an inspirational coming together of London Transition initiatives, under the title “Confronting Change”.  Polly Higgins, a barrister and author of ‘Eradicating Ecocide’ was the host and got the evening underway.  She had recently returned from the COP16 negotiations at Cancun, and talked about what had happened there.

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