Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Diversity” category

Showing results 36 - 39 of 39 for the category: Diversity.

1 Nov 2010

An October Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Here's what happens at a Brazilian Unleashing ..they do the hokey-cokey and they turn around... (sorry, this joke probably only means anything to English readers....)

We start this month’s update of Transition inspiration, activity and celebration with wonderful news from Rio de Janeiro and the launch of Transition Santa Teresa, which was attended by 200 people from the neighbourhood association, the local chamber of commerce, local NGOs and residents from Santa Teresa and the neighbouring slum. So we send huge congratulations to T Santa Teresa! Here is a film about some Transition goings-on in Brazil, including a Transition rap in Portugese… fantastic…

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1 Nov 2010

New Research Explores Inclusion and Diversity in the Transition Movement

The number of pieces of quality research being conducted about Transition continues to grow.  Here is a new one by Danielle K. M. Cohen at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, as part of her dissertation for her MSc in Human Ecology.  Entitled “Reaching out for resilience: Exploring approaches to inclusion and diversity in the Transition movement” it is a very useful study about inclusion and diversity.   Here’s a sample quote from the conclusion: “people in Transition – in this study at least – often talk about inclusion with a view to bringing different people into the movement. I have argued that this view of inclusion can imply and perpetuate hierarchical power relationships underpinned by assumptions of assimilation and integration. As one co-operative inquiry participant put it, Transition should perhaps not be seeking to include others but should be seeking to be included by them”.  You can download the full thesis here: my thanks to Danielle for allowing me to post this.

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28 Sep 2010

A Report from the 2010 Transition Cascadia Regional Summit

Here is a guest blog from David Johnson…

On Thursday, September 15th an historic event took place in the development of Transition on the North American continent. With over 70 people in attendance from across the North West, the first Northwest/Cascadian Transition Summit took place in Seattle. In such a large continent with diverse geographies, bioregional networks can help Initiatives in a given area link in with each other, sharing skills, resources and best practices, and so build strength and support within their bioregion. On this day even national borders were no boundary, with people traveling down from Canada to join in the conversations.

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Discussion: Comments Off on A Report from the 2010 Transition Cascadia Regional Summit

Categories: Community Involvement, Culture, Diversity, Localisation, Resilience, Storytelling, Transition Initiatives

10 Sep 2010

The First Transition Network Diversity Newsletter

Catrina Pickering, Transition Network’s Diversity Co-ordinator, has just published the first Diversity Newsletter, which will become a regular feature.  Future newsletters will be posted on the Transition Network site, where you can also subscribe to it. 

Transition Network Diversity News: September 2010

Inclusion in Transition

What can we do to become more inclusive?  This is a question that we at the Transition Network are starting to grapple with and if we’re going to grapple with it well, we’ll need your help, input and ideas too.  What kind of inner change might need to undertake in order to become a more inclusive movement?  Your thoughts on this – from the mundane to the sublime to the completely off the wall – are very welcome.  Are we absolutely insisting on inclusion and holding it at the core of everything we do is it more of a “well, that would be nice but let’s wait until after the Transition”?  To find out more and post your thoughts on this discussion, read the blog post on inclusion in Transition here.

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