11 Sep 2012

Sue Milner will be co-presenting two workshops at the Transition Network conference 2012 with Iona Fredenburgh. The first is called ‘Conflict: Gateway to Community Tools to Practice and Use in Impossible Moments’, and the second is called ‘How on earth can we get along together? Tools for unlocking the creative resources from our diversity issues’. I asked Sue to tell us more:
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28 Aug 2012

Isabel Carlisle is presenting the Youth Symposium that takes place on the Friday before the main conference (an event you can also follow on Facebook), as well as a workshop on the Saturday looking at the ‘One Year in Transition’, the Transition Learning Journey. We asked her to tell us a bit more about both:
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12 Jul 2012
Here is a great new film from Peterborough about a project called ‘The Green Backyard’, which is developing a Transitioney/permaculturey/community resource/educational type thing in urban Peterborough. Beautiful film, with talking bees and everything. The Transition Companion makes an appearance too near the end… thanks to Daryl Mulvihill, who made it, for letting me know about it.
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5 Jun 2012

I was at the Hay Literary Festival over the weekend, and while I was there I caught up with Andrew Simms of New Economics Foundation, and in the light of the campaign afoot in Totnes to try and stop the opening of a Costa Coffee outlet in the town, I asked him “why should Totnes (or anywhere else for that matter) say no to Costa?” Here’s the audio file, followed by the transcript:
“Chain stores, of whatever variety, whether they are selling mobile phones, or whether they are selling coffee, or whether they are selling doughy torpedo-shaped sandwiches, are a way of doing business that carries with them a particular DNA for the society and the local economy which grows up around them.
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24 May 2012

This month’s podcast goes into more depth on three of the stories from the April round-up of what’s happening in Transition. We hear from the High School Joan Segura i Valls in Santa Coloma de Queralt (in Catalonia, Spain) who have just completed a big project about Transition, from Transition Oamaru and Waitaki District in New Zealand about their Sustainable Skills School, and we hear from Tooting about their Treasuring Tooting event that took place last weekend. Do note that you can embed it on your own website, and that it is also now available on iTunes.
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