Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Culture” category

Showing results 176 - 180 of 183 for the category: Culture.

12 Mar 2009

Learning the Lessons of Coin Street

A couple of weeks ago I was in London, and I visited Coin Street Community Builders (CSCB) on the South Bank. CSCB are a fascinating initiative, one that can teach a great deal to Transition Initiatives. For me, a Transition initiative, once it has created its EDAP, needs to morph, and become in effect, a relocalisation agency, a developer, a housing association, a bank. CSCB have done many of these things, and their experience is invaluable.

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21 Jan 2009

Saturday’s Transition Tales/Wondermentalist Cabaret Podcast Now Available!

We had a fantastic day on Saturday with the first Transition Tales and Wondermentalist creative day, held here in Totnes.  Wondermentalist is a local poets/performers collective, who do monthly cabarets in Totnes, which are quite wonderful.  Matt Harvey, one of its founders, can be seen today, on BBC South West at 7.30pm, doing a piece about Transition for a programme called ‘Inside Out’.  For those of you outside the South West (or within the South West but with no telly, or who are in the South West and do have a telly but who have an important appointment at 7.30), it will be available on the i-Player.  I’ll let you know, and we’ll try and get it onto YouTube as soon as we can.  Anyway, back to the workshop, which was fantastic…

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Discussion: Comments Off on Saturday’s Transition Tales/Wondermentalist Cabaret Podcast Now Available!

Categories: Culture, General, Localisation, Transition Initiatives

17 Dec 2008

Why I Love My Town (and why in the future we might all come to love where we live more than we do now)

I love my town.  Its not something we say a great deal in England.  In the US, people write songs about their towns and cities (Box Elder MO, Put Your Hands Up for Detroit, New York, New York…), as well as about the roads that join them together (Highway 61), but not here.  Other than bands like the Smiths, who sang songs about rented rooms in Whalley Range and other parts of Manchester, and one or two other bands (such as It’s Immaterial’s song about driving across England from the 80s), we don’t have a strong tradition of celebrating where we come from. 

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17 Oct 2008

Transition Cities Conference: a vital event for all urban Transitioners

We are delighted to be able to announce details of the inaugural Transition Cities conference, hosted by the good folks of Transition Nottingham on November 27th -28th 2008

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3 Oct 2008

The Totnes Energy Descent Pathways Launch: report, podcasts and poem

We had a wonderful evening in Totnes last week, where we launched the Totnes EDAP process.  About 180 people turned up, and were provided with wine and nibbles, as well as with live guitar music on their arrival.  I felt it was one of those great Transition events that appeals to both sides of the brain, some talking, some chatting, some moving around, some laughter, some poignancy, some food and drink, some fun.  To set the scene, here is how the evening was reported in the Totnes Times, the first time a TTT-related story graced the front page.  Under the headline “Why Time is Running Out”, the article ran as follows;

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