Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Culture” category

Showing results 126 - 130 of 183 for the category: Culture.

28 May 2010

On The Unleashing of Transition Malvern Hills…

malvern1Now I’ve been to some Unleashings in my time, but last night’s Unleashing of Transition Malvern Hills (TMH) was a stunner.  Unleashings are designed to be the launch event which, historically, people look back to as the point when a Transition process arrived, a celebration of a place and its culture, a big push for wider engagement, and a statement of collective intent.  I have been to Unleashings before with music, but not one with three choirs, to Unleashings with input from young people, but not one with such inspiring young people speaking, and to Unleashings with input from other local organisations, but not one with the level of affirmation from a wide range of local organisations, including the local MP.  In short, it was an extraordinary event.

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27 May 2010

Some Transition Thoughts on the Energy Bits of the Queen’s Speech

Queens-SpeechSo the Queen’s Speech has set out the policy priorities for the new government, but were the policies announced a cop-out or do they set out a wartime mobilisation scale of response to climate change and peak oil?  These reflections are based on the article about the speech that appeared in yesterday’s Guardian.  Plans include setting up a green investment bank, which will make loans available to households for energy efficiency measures and renewable energy installations, the ‘pay-as-you-save’ scheme initially proposed by Ed Miliband.  The exact amount of the loans that will be available has not yet been stated, although the Guardian speculates that it could be as much as £15,000. This is a great development, but I wonder if it could yet be taken further?  How would DECC respond, for example, if a Transition group were able to get 100 people to take out loans of £15,000 each and club it together as £1.5million in order to finance a community-owned ESCO, an energy company designed to be owned by and financially benefit the community? 

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10 May 2010

Totnes EDAP Launch Part Two: “the single most important book about Totnes ever published”

edapcivic1The Totnes Energy Descent Action Plan received a fittingly rousing welcome into the world on Friday night in Totnes Civic Hall, following on from the earlier parade through town and its announcement by the Town Crier.  Over a hundred people were treated to local Sharpham wine and nibbles in advance of the main event, buying copies of the EDAP and meeting friends.  The audience had been promised, in the event’s poster, ‘fine speeches’, which put those speaking under considerable pressure!  It turned out to be a fantastic and memorable event, one that welcomed the long-awaited EDAP into this community. 

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6 May 2010

A May Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Transition West Kirby want new allotments.  When do they want them?  Now!  Whadda we want... etc. etc.

Transition West Kirby want new allotments. When do they want them? Now! Whadda we want... etc. etc.

April brought lots more lovely projects for you to enjoy and share…  From Australia, the West Hobart Environment Network (or WHEN), a member of Transition Tasmania, enjoyed a relaxed ‘produce swap’ under the shade of a very large tree, and they’ve also kindly shared with us Annie’s recipe for no-knead bread…perfect for the lazy ones like me!  TT Blackwood had a busy day giving out seeds and sharing knowledge on how to grow them in a forest setting, finding new skills to share, and raising awareness about Transition. And some ideas from Sonya on taking small steps to big lifestyle changes that will help us live more lightly on the Earth.

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6 May 2010

Tooting’s Trashcatchers Carnival… Coming Soon!

tootinglogoI wrote a while ago about Transition Town Tooting in London, and their winning a grant to do the ‘Trashcatchers Carnival’ this summer.  Trashcatchers is a hugely exciting project, one that combines the arts, music and creativity as a tool for community engagement.  It is a huge project, and one from which Transition groups around the world will learn a great deal about engagement and diversity, and which will result in Tooting having the most almighty party that people will talk about for years!  As an update, here is a press release the TTT group just sent me.

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