Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

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Archive for “Culture” category

Showing results 121 - 125 of 183 for the category: Culture.

28 Jun 2010

What it Looks Like When Transition Meets Climate Activism….

Here is a fascinating short film about Transition Heathrow, which has emerged from the proposed (and now scrapped) Third Runway at Heathrow Airport, and is now focused around a community garden project called ‘Grow Heathrow’, a wonderful reclaiming of a derelict market garden site.  It will hopefully spark an interesting discussion here about how Transition and activism come together … thanks to the JustDoIt people for making the film…

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8 Jun 2010

Exclusive to Transition Culture: an Interview with Chris Martenson: Part Two

When we talked before, you mentioned some practical stories about how people in the US and how people in Transition projects were making use of the Crash Course – could you tell us about those?

Certainly, a number of people have used the Crash Course to great effect.  It’s available online for free but not everybody watches 3½ hours of material on a computer, and it really wasn’t my intent for people to sit down alone and watch 3½ hours of stuff on the computer.  It’s meant to be shared.  So we produced it as three separate discs – they come in a single DVD case – and each of those discs is an hour and a half or less, and that was produced so that people would take that and bring it to their communities, maybe run three separate sessions a week.

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8 Jun 2010

A Film Record of Last Year’s Transition Scotland Gathering

Here is a great short film which provides a really good record of last year’s Transition Scotland gathering.  Thanks to everyone who put this together…

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3 Jun 2010

Transition Network Conference 2010 Booklet Now Available

confbookletcoverHere’s what I’ve been doing for the last 2 weeks!  Everyone who comes to the 2010 Transition Network conference (starting in 8 days) will be given a 108 page booklet containing the programme of events, the complete guide to all the workshops, and the working draft of the ‘seeing Transition as a pattern language’ work I have been doing, and around which the conference, and the second edition of ‘The Transition Handbook’, is based (of which more in coming weeks).  You can download the booklet in two parts, the main document here (it is a big file, 8.64MB) and the cover here.  For those of you who are coming, here is an opportunity in advance to familiarise yourself with it.  For those of you not coming, here’s what you’re missing, there is still time to book.  If you find any typos, I don’t want to know, it has gone to the printers!

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31 May 2010

My foreword to ‘Local Money’, which is now available to buy…

A Local-Money

Here is the foreword I wrote for Pete North’s new book ‘Local Money’, which you can now order here.  It really is rather fantastic (the book, that is).  The book will have its formal launch at the 2010 Transition Network conference (yet another reason to be at 3 days that will blow your socks off).  For now, here is my introduction to the book.

The power of holding your community’s own money.

September 2009, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton. On a beautiful evening with just the first hint of autumn in the air, hundreds of people are packed into the large room for the launch of the Brixton Pound. In the days running up to the launch, the media was full of stories about the currency; it even made the front page of the BBC website on the day. Alongside explanations of how it is intended to work and interviews with advocates were mainstream economists who, somewhat patronisingly, assured readers that this could never really work and that it was all tremendously naive and foolish.

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