Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Culture” category

Showing results 116 - 120 of 183 for the category: Culture.

23 Sep 2010

Transition as a Pattern Language: Unleashings

An Unleashing is the culmination of your initiative’s AWARENESS RAISING work, offering the opportunity for CELEBRATING what it has already achieved, where it might go, as well as the culture of the place. As you start BUILDING STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS an Unleashing can be a powerful way of publicising those new connections.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Culture, Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Storytelling, Transition as a Pattern Language, Transition Initiatives

10 Sep 2010

The First Transition Network Diversity Newsletter

Catrina Pickering, Transition Network’s Diversity Co-ordinator, has just published the first Diversity Newsletter, which will become a regular feature.  Future newsletters will be posted on the Transition Network site, where you can also subscribe to it. 

Transition Network Diversity News: September 2010

Inclusion in Transition

What can we do to become more inclusive?  This is a question that we at the Transition Network are starting to grapple with and if we’re going to grapple with it well, we’ll need your help, input and ideas too.  What kind of inner change might need to undertake in order to become a more inclusive movement?  Your thoughts on this – from the mundane to the sublime to the completely off the wall – are very welcome.  Are we absolutely insisting on inclusion and holding it at the core of everything we do is it more of a “well, that would be nice but let’s wait until after the Transition”?  To find out more and post your thoughts on this discussion, read the blog post on inclusion in Transition here.

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7 Sep 2010

Reflections From Alongside The Threshing Machine

Last weekend I was at Embercombe, about 20 minutes drive from Totnes, for the West Country Storytelling Festival.  Embercombe is a fascinating evolving project, describing itself as “a charity and social enterprise established to champion a way of living that celebrates the opportunities inherent in this challenging time and that inspires people to energetically contribute towards the emergence of a socially just, environmentally sustainable and spiritually fulfilling human presence on earth”.  It is also a stunning place, a mix of woodlands and fields.  Food production is becoming a key part of its work, and it now has a wonderful vegetable garden, orchards, field scale veg and, of particular interest to me, some small scale cereals production.  The day I was there, they were threshing (or attempting to thresh) some of what they had grown, and I thought I would share some of the conversations that took place by the threshing machine. 

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13 Jul 2010

The Unleashing of Transition Town Tooting

Every community that organises an Unleashing produces a very different event, a unique reflection of place, culture and people.  Last night’s Unleashing of Transition Town Tooting in London was no different.  Following hot on the heels of last week’s extraordinary Trashcatchers’ Carnival, the event marked the arrival of Transition Town Tooting, and signalled a collective statement of intent for the future.

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1 Jul 2010

Transition Town Tooting’s Trashcatchers Carnival: This Sunday!

I have been giving occasional updates on the progress of the Trashcatchers Carnival in Tooting, which takes place this Sunday.  It is going to be amazing, but it has been touch and go as to whether the Carnivalistas are going to be able to do what they want to, to process down Tooting High Road. Now we know they will be able to, but getting to that stage has been an amazing story, which Lucy Neal of Transition Town Tooting now relates….  .  If you live anywhere near London, do get over on Sunday and give them your support. 

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