Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Culture” category

Showing results 46 - 50 of 183 for the category: Culture.

11 Oct 2011

A short film from Kilburn tube station: ‘Underground Tomatoes’

I’m just getting ready for tomorrow’s London book launch at Food from the Sky, hope to see you there.  One of my favourite stories in The Transition Companion is that of Transition Kensal to Kilburn planting a ‘community allotment’ on the platform of Kilburn underground station.  Here’s a great short film, ‘Underground Tomatoes’, by Jonathan Goldberg about the project … I love this.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Culture, Education for Sustainability, Food, Great Reskilling, Localisation, Storytelling, Transition Initiatives

23 Sep 2011

Back to the Old House: meetings with remarkable walls

As part of last weekend’s Transition Town Totnes Open Eco-Homes weekend, I visited a house in Lower Allerton that was built in the 16th century, and which has recently been making many changes to reduce its environmental impact.  As regular readers will know, I have done a fair bit of cob building in my time, and have often had to deal with the question “won’t it just wash away in the rain”, a question as infuriating to cob builders as Three Little Pigs jokes are to straw bale builders.  The highlight for me, therefore, of the visit to Lower Allerton, was the 500 year-old cob walls.

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15 Sep 2011

Exploring the Ingredients for Transition: webcast now available

On Monday I did the second webinar for Transition US, looking at the ‘ingredients’ of Transition, and answering lots of questions about Transition sent in by people from across the US.  You can now listen to it in full here.  I started out by telling people that it was, in a way, an illustrated talk, in that I had uploaded a picture online they could look at, taken from the forthcoming ‘The Transition Companion’ (which you can pre-order now).  Beautifully created by Marina Vons-Gupta, it communicates the idea of embarking on Transition being like opening the larder door and picking the ingredients for creating what you have decided to create.  Anyway, thanks to everyone who made it possible, and enjoy the recording.

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5 Sep 2011

In conversation with Transition US: a transcript

In July I did a ‘webinar’ thing with Richard Heinberg and Carolyne Stayton of Transition US, about how Transition is developing and about what will be contained in the ‘Transition Companion’.  With deepest gratitude to Rani of Transition Palo Alto, the poor soul who bravely transcribed it and must be utterly sick of the sound of my voice, here is the transcript.  We’ll be doing it all over again on September 12th, and you can hear the audio of the last one here. Maybe see you there.

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27 Jul 2011

A July Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Let’s start with Transition Town Kingston in Surrey who ventured out  on bikes and skateboards to celebrate a Zero Carbon day which included a fossil- fuel free time trial. Here is their report of the event, here’s a report from the local paper, and here’s a video about what they got up to:

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