Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Community Involvement” category

Showing results 111 - 115 of 692 for the category: Community Involvement.

4 Apr 2012

A March Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

Our thanks to Gerd Wessling, co-ordinator of the German hub, for the following story from Germany:

“Sunday May 13th 2012 will be declared “In Transition 2.0 film and information day” in Germany, Austria and Switzerland!  We kindly ask all German, Swiss & Austrian Transition initiatives to self-organize screenings of the movie at that date in their regions/towns/cities.  More info for the organizers (in German) & about the coordination here.

A screening in Bielefeld is already fixed; see details here.  We would love to generate a lot of broad, positive reviews and excitement about the movie and Transition in general at that date in the German-speaking region(s) of the world”.

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3 Apr 2012

A new film from REconomy: The Totnes Local Entrepreneurs Forum

I wrote last week about the fantastic Local Entrepreneurs Forum that we held in Totnes a couple of weeks ago.  It brought together people with ideas for new enterprises, mentors and potential investors in an event designed for maximum cross-pollination and interaction.  It’s a simple concept that could work really well in most places, especially where a Transition initiative wants to really step over into explicitly catalysing a new economy for the place.  Emilio at nuproject has just made this rather fine film about the day:

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3 Apr 2012

Lee Brain reflects on his testimony at the Northern Gateway Pipeline Review

The last Transition round-up featured the film of Lee Brain’s testimony at the Northern Gateway Pipeline Joint Review Panel in Prince Rupert, which has already been watched nearly 45,000 times.  In the last part of my interview with Lee, I wanted to know how that had come about, what had happened since, and whether the response to it had taken him by surprise.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Energy, General, Peak Oil, Technology

2 Apr 2012

Transition Prince Rupert: “The first question should always be “how are we going to work together?” rather than “what are we going to do?”

“We’re on a mission here now with this group.  We all are co-ordinated and there’s something powerful about having fifteen people completely dedicated to the degree where we all know we’re going to do absolutely what it takes to make this happen in our community”.

Transition Prince Rupert, in British Columbia, Canada, launches its website today. Nothing extraordinary about that you might say.  But the process that led to it, and its contents, are a story worth telling.  The interview I did recently with Lee Brain, a young man who is one of the group’s founders, was one of the most inspiring I have yet published here at Transition Culture.  So inspiring in fact that it is, in effect, this month’s Transition podcast.  In today’s installment, he gives a fascinating taste of what it looks like when an emerging Transition group gives over some time to getting the foundations of its work as solid as possible before proceeding any further.  Here is the interview:

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30 Mar 2012

Lee Brain on engaging young people in Transition

You’ll remember Lee from the last Transition round-up, the young man in Prince Rupert in Canada who spoke out at a hearing about a proposed pipeline, and who is also active in founding Transition Prince Rupert.  I recently interviewed him, and the content of that will emerge in a three separate pieces over the next few days. Originally it was to be part of the March podcast, but it was so interesting, that they will replace this month’s podcast.  To start with though, here are his thoughts when I asked him how he thought Transition initiatives might best engage more young people (Lee is 26).

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