Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Climate Change” category

Showing results 41 - 45 of 474 for the category: Climate Change.

6 Sep 2012

A July/August Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

This month’s round up covers two months, because this time last month half of the team that lovingly create these round ups was away when they should have been producing this.  As a result it’s a bit of a whopper.  The latest Transition Bristol newsletter begins In this issue…. The Bristol Pound is coming, the Bristol Pound is coming, oh, and lots of other stuff too! Read on”.  That seemed like a good way for us to start too.  The Bristol Pound, the vastly exciting imminent launch of a city-wide currency that is creating a frenzy of media interest, is nearly here.   Here is a short film about it:

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17 Aug 2012

An interview with Jorgen Randers: ‘2052’ – “It’s the story of humanity not rising to the occasion”

Jorgen Randers is professor of climate strategy at the BI Norwegian Business School, and among many other things, was coauthor of The Limits to Growth in 1972, Beyond the Limits in 1992, and Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update in 2004 (you can read his full biog here).  He has recently published ‘2052: a global forecast for the next forty years‘.  You can see a film of him discussing the book at its launch here.  I had the great honour of interviewing Jorgen recently, via Skype from his study at his home in Norway.  You can hear the audio of our interview below, or read the transcript.  ‘2052’ is available here if you’re in the US, or here in the UK.

The first question I wanted to ask you is what your aim was when you sat down to write ‘2052’?

I’m 67 years old, I’ve spent 40 years of my life working in vain for sustainability and I finally decided that it would be interesting to find out whether I really needed to be continually worrying about the future as I have over the last 40 years because I have now only 20 to 25 years left to live.  I thought it would be interesting to try to find out what will actually happen over those 40 years.

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13 Jul 2012

The Four Slugs of the Apocalypse

The other day my wife sent me a text while I was at work.  “Get some broccoli”.  During my lunch break, I duly headed out into Totnes in pursuit of the afore-mentioned brassica.  I started out by visiting all the places that might sell local, organic broccoli, but they were all out, one telling me “it’s like gold dust mate, you’d be lucky”.  I then tried the places that would stock non-organic, non-local broccoli, but they were out too.  All of a sudden it transpired that I lived in a broccoli desert.  Turns out it’s not just Totnes, the crappest summer the UK has ever faced has hit UK farming hard.  It has also led me, I must confess, for the first time, to abandon my garden to an unprecedentedly vast slug population.

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4 Jul 2012

Some Transition reflections on George Monbiot’s announcement that “we were wrong on peak oil”

George Monbiot announced in the Guardian on Monday “We were wrong on peak oil. There’s enough to fry us all“, an article which concluded “peak oil hasn’t happened, and it’s unlikely to happen for a very long time”.  Several people have written, and even stopped me while I’ve been out shopping, to ask for my take on his piece, so here it is.  It has been a tricky thing to write, as in the time it took me to compose it, so many other interesting analyses of it have been posted, many of which I have tried to reference here.  In a nutshell, I think Monbiot’s piece swallows an over-optimistic take on peak oil, and there are things in his piece that I disagree with and things that I agree with, although I don’t for a moment consider myself a peak oil expert.  What he does prompt is a rethink in terms of how we present peak oil.  Let’s start with the things I disagree with.

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2 Jul 2012

The Home Energy Handbook: an interview with Allan Shepherd

The Centre for Alternative Technology has just published a new book called ‘The Home Energy Handbook: a guide to saving and generating energy in your home and community’.  It is a great resource for Transition groups, and Transition features strongly through the book.  It is available here.  I spoke to Allan Shepherd, one of the book’s authors/editors, and asked him to tell us more about the book.  Here is the audio, transcript below:

Can you tell us where the idea for the book came from?

It started from the Zero Carbon Britain 2030 project really, because that was aimed at policy makers and government. What we wanted to do was take the concept that was developed in ZCB, which was the ‘Power down’ and the ‘Power up’ concept.  

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