Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Climate Change” category

Showing results 436 - 440 of 474 for the category: Climate Change.

6 Oct 2006

A Review of Legacy by Joanne Poyourow.

legA couple of weeks ago I asked if anyone out there in **Transition Culture**-land would like to review Joanne Poyourow’s book Legacy which she very kindly sent me to review. With the pile of books next to my bed in danger of causing serious injury should it topple over during the night, I decided to delegate, and Robert Morgan of The Green College nobly took up the baton. The book attempts to tell the story of the transition from the present to a sustainable society, something I have long argued to be a powerful tool, helping people to imagine how that journey might be. Unfortunately our guest reviewer Robert Morgan was somewhat underwhelmed… here is his review.

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29 Sep 2006

We’re Back… And the Winner Is….

ccWe’re back! After two days of webwierdness **Transition Culture** is back up and atcha. Victims of our own success, we used up all our bandwidth and had to decant elsewhere. We are averaging over 1500 visitors a day now, and our old host just could’t cope. Anyway, all is well now. OK. Down to business. Competition winners. Last week we held our fantastic **Transition Culture** “Win a Copy of the Atlas of Climate Change” competition, and it is now my honour to reveal the winners.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Climate Change, General

21 Sep 2006

Something Very Silly for Today.

marsAfter a very depressing evening listening to Iconoclasts on BBC Radio 4 in which Bjorn Lomborg was questioned by a group of climate change experts and emerged as charming but somewhat vacuous, and the scale and imminence of climate change was laid out again and again (especially by Green MEP Caroline Lucas, who I thought was very good), I needed cheering up. My friend Nadia sent me a link to this, which is very silly indeed, and is either a sign of permaculture entering the mainstream, or running screaming in the opposite direction (or possibly neither, or both). Anyway, it is very silly, and put a smile on my face.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Something Very Silly for Today.

Categories: Climate Change, General, Permaculture

19 Sep 2006

Book Review and Competition! – The Atlas of Climate Change.

atlas**Review of The Atlas of Climate Change – Mapping the world’s greatest challenge by Kirstin Dow and Thomas E Downing. Part of the Earthscan Atlas Series. 2006. Win a copy of this book – see below!**

Climate change and peak oil are two sides of the same coin, two faces of the same problem. Jeremy Leggett has referred to them as the two Great Oversights of our time. The true scale of the challenge facing us cannot be grasped without understanding both. Peak oil without climate change leads to the belief that our crisis is purely one of energy shortage, and that this can be got around by reaching for coal, coal-to-liquids, tar sands, and all the other most climatically destructive members of the fossil fuel family. Climate change without peak oil

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Discussion: Comments Off on Book Review and Competition! – The Atlas of Climate Change.

Categories: Climate Change, Education for Sustainability, Energy, Peak Oil

18 Sep 2006

An Interview with Dennis Meadows – co-author of ‘Limits to Growth’.

dennisI was very lucky at ASPO 5 to get to interview Dennis Meadows, one of the authors of what is probably the most famous environmental book in history, “Limits to Growth”. He had just given an excellent talk, and I managed to get him to come and sit under a stone pine tree for what I thought was going to be a fairly straightforward run through of the 8 ‘Skilling Up for Powerdown’ questions you’ve seen me ask various other people at **Transition Culture**, such as Fritjof Capra and Stephan Harding. As you’ll see though, Dennis’s view of peak oil and the environment is so gloomy that by the time of the second question, all my powerdown-centred questions that had worked so well before ended up becoming somewhat redundant!

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Discussion: Comments Off on An Interview with Dennis Meadows – co-author of ‘Limits to Growth’.

Categories: Climate Change, Education for Sustainability, Energy, General, Peak Oil