Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Climate Change” category

Showing results 401 - 405 of 474 for the category: Climate Change.

20 Apr 2007

You Are Now Entering an Oil-Free Zone. The Guardian. April 19th 2007.

g2Yesterday’s Guardian carried a piece about Transition Towns in its G2 Section, which looked beyond Totnes to a number of the other towns starting the process. It was a fairly well balanced piece, although I felt a bit uneasy with its overemphasising the significance of the oral histories and also with the term ‘transition townies’ to describe people involved in the process. I certainly hope that one doesn’t catch on. Great to see some of the other towns coming to the fore though…

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13 Apr 2007

A Date for the Diary. ‘Positive Energy – going carbon neutral’ – a conference at Findhorn.

fh1You might want to put the following event in your diary now, it promises to be one of the highlights of 2008. The Findhorn Foundation in Scotland has decided to do its Spring conference on community responses to peak oil and climate change, with the title **Positive Energy – going carbon neutral**. Speakers will include Joanna Macey, Richard Heinberg, Megan Quinn, Jonathan Dawson and myself. While the conference is still at the very early planning stages, here is the information such as it as at the moment.

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10 Apr 2007

George Monbiot on Peak Oil and Transition Towns.

ms2At last week’s event in Lampeter writer and activist George Monbiot was asked to give a 5 minute reflection on the presentation I had just given. His response focused on the concerns he has with the concept of peak oil, and why he feels climate change to be the more important driver. Much of what he said about the dangers of synfuels and biofuels I very much agree with, but his optimism about peak oil isn’t, as regular readers will know, something I share. Indeed I struggle to see what it might be based on. Here is the transcript, I’d love to hear your thoughts…

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9 Apr 2007

Pioneering Welsh town begins the transition to a life without oil – The Guardian. Saturday 7th April.

l2Great piece in the Guardian on Saturday about the Lampeter event. Came across very well, and hard to fault, other than the assertion that Totnes is in Cornwall! The article generated a lot of interest, and has also been picked up quite widely across the web. Here it is.

**As the supply of cheap fuel dwindles, rural Lampeter embarks on ‘energy descent’.**
**By Felicity Lawrence / Saturday April 7, 2007 / The Guardian.**

There is, as the ads say, no Plan B. The age of cheap oil is drawing to a close, climate change already threatens, and politicians dither. But the people of Lampeter,

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27 Mar 2007

Concerned Musings on Plymouth’s Mini-Heatwave

sunbathe At risk of sounding like an eco-misery guts (moi?) I must just share my sense of something not being quite right as I find myself walking around in Plymouth in a t-shirt, sweating, passing children playing in fountains, others eating ice creams, and hundreds of people lying on the grass sunbathing… and its not even April yet. I realise I should be able to switch off and revel in the glorious unseasonal weather, but I can’t help feeling something’s not right. My mind goes back to family holidays as a child in April in Devon, where cold and rain was commonplace, and the odd bit of sun was a nice treat. Then, unsettled weather was the norm, now we have unsettling weather, and I’m not sure which I prefer…

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Categories: Climate Change