Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Climate Change” category

Showing results 386 - 390 of 474 for the category: Climate Change.

25 Jul 2007

Amusing Nonsense on YouTube.

z1Have a look at this piece of homemade video nonsense, it is a very entertaining insight into the minds of some more extreme peak oil deniers. You see, peak oil and climate change are actually a Zionist conspiracy to curtail our freedoms and introduce new taxes. Aha. Now I see. I particularly like the bit that challenges the peak oil argument by saying that there is basically loads of the stuff left, and that “just one reserve in Alaska is large enough to fuel the entire US economy for over 100 years at the present rates of growth”. Excuse me? Come again? And there was me thinking that all of the oil in Alaska would last the US only 3 months… Climate change is all caused by sunspots too apparently. If you are looking for indicators that we are nearing or at the peak, take the rumours, as reported by David Strahan last week, that Shell and BP are considering merging, the fact that even William Rees Mogg is now writing insightfully about it and that a film like this which tries to rubbish it can’t come up with anything better than this!

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Discussion: 5 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Peak Oil

17 Jul 2007

Local MP Enthuses About Transition Town Totnes.

as1How’s about this? Anthony Steen is the Conservative MP for Totnes, and isn’t the first person you would necessarily think of when looking for a green leaning thinker. He has recently undergone what one might call a climate change conversion, and now, seems to have also really grasped the Transition Town thing in a big way. He helped with the launch of the Totnes Pound, and last Saturday, in his monthly column in the local paper, the Herald Express, wrote a piece which was staggering in its enthusiasm for the work that TTT is doing (see below). How this translates into other areas of policy and so on remains to be seen, but credit where it is due for openeness to new ideas.

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14 Jun 2007

Transition Town Totnes Interviews on Climate Radio

coinAt the recent Inaugural Transition Network Conference at Ruskin Mill in Nailsworth, Phil England of the Low Carbon Show did interviews with some of those present about Transition Initiatives and their thoughts on the day’s proceedings. They included Naresh Giangrande of TTT, Nick Weir of Transition Stroud and pioneer of CSAs and Community Farm Land Trusts, Dr Pamela Gray, Transition Penwith Medicine group co-ordinator and Jo Hamilton from Oxford Climate Exchange. It makes for a very interesting listen, and captures some of the energy and enthusiasm that was so abundant on the day. You can listen to it here.

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13 Jun 2007

Transition Towns on You and Yours.

yy**You and Yours** is a consumer affairs programme on BBC Radio 4, and today it ran a piece about Transition Towns, in particular Transition Town Lewes. You can hear the programme here, but hurry, it will only be there until tomorrow at 3pm. The piece about Lewes was very positive, and featured interviews with, among others, Adrienne Campbell and Keith Ellis singing his oil song accompanied by a ukele! There was then a discussion with James Hartfield of who argued that Transition Towns were about a return to the 18th century, and that the white van has been such a great invention that statues should be erected in its honour. A healthy dose of sanity and reality were brought to the proceedings by Jeremy Leggett, who argued that what was happening with Transition Towns is essential and that we no longer have the luxury of inaction. Give it a listen, but don’t wait too long!!

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13 Jun 2007

Food and Farming in Transition – Dartington Hall, 11th June 2007.

ffOne of the most important and prestigious events yet to be run by Transition Town Totnes tool place on Monday night in the Great Hall at Dartington. Entitled **Food and Farming in Transition: the Renaissance of British Food Culture as the Age of Easy Oil Draws to a Close**, the evening brought together a very impressive selection of speakers. Despite not publicising the event extensively, the evening was a sell out, and in the serendipitous way Transition Town events often occur, despite there being a lot of people with no tickets, everyone got in with only one or two seats to spare. The talks were designed to be short and to take the audience on a journey through to a rethinking of our food system.

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